2024年版HP更新 / Updated the Website
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
市民公開シンポジウム ハイブリッド開催支援
2024年2月17日(土)~18日(日)に京都大学で開催されました 東日本大震災における原発事故による福島の損害賠償と復興~これまでの歩みとこれから~ にて、ハイブリッド開催の当日運営支援、準備事務局、文字起こし、動画編集等諸業務を承りました
The hybrid event 「Compensation and reconstruction of Fukushima due to the nuclear power plant accident during the Great East Japan Earthquake - Past progress and future」 held at Kyoto University from February 17th (Saturday) to February 18th (Sunday), 2024. We handled various tasks such as operational support, preparatory office, transcription, video editing, etc.
The hybrid event 「Compensation and reconstruction of Fukushima due to the nuclear power plant accident during the Great East Japan Earthquake - Past progress and future」 held at Kyoto University from February 17th (Saturday) to February 18th (Sunday), 2024. We handled various tasks such as operational support, preparatory office, transcription, video editing, etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務局業務│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│動画収録・編集
戦略的パートナーシップ ジョイントシンポジウム
2023年3月7日(火)~8日(水)対面開催の Kyoto University - University of Zurich Strategic Partnership Joint Symposium 2023 にて、各種支援業務を承りました。
<<< 支援業務抜粋 >>>、
参加者 ・一般参加者 情報の 収集 及び名簿作成、参加登録フォーム作成、発表用データ収集ホテル~会場送迎バス手配、当日配布物セット、誘導 案内掲示 等 の作成、タイトルスライド作成、座席表・ 背割り席札作成前垂れ作成、名札作成、コーヒーブレイク準備、ランチメニュー札作成・設置、マニュアル・進行台本作成、司会・進行要員(英語)、レセプション・ディナー対応(手配・座席表・席札作成)、ケータリング対応(ベジタリアン/グルテンフリーメニュー及びハラルメニュー対応)、メニュー札に原材料名を日英併記、特定原材料7品目及び特定原材料21品目の表示、エクスカーション企画・催行(英語ガイド、バス手配、入場料・駐車場料立替他)、当日運営映像音響関連機材、技術員、写真撮影カメラマン、その他
We provided various support services at Kyoto University - University of Zurich Strategic Partnership Joint Symposium 2023 held face-to-face from March 7th (Tuesday) to 8th (Wednesday), 2023.
<<< Support work excerpt >>>,
Participants/general participants Collect information and create a name list, create a registration form, collect data for presentations Arrange for a shuttle bus from the hotel to the venue, create a set of handouts on the day, guide signage, etc., create a title slide, create a seating chart and split seats Tag creation, name tag creation, coffee break preparation, lunch menu tag creation/installation, manual/progress script creation, moderator/facilitator (English), reception/dinner support (arranging/seating chart/seat tag creation), catering support (vegetarian / gluten-free menu and halal menu available), ingredient names written in Japanese and English on the menu tag, indication of 7 specified ingredients and 21 specified ingredients, excursion planning and execution (English guide, bus arrangement, entrance fee, parking lot) Charge payment, etc.), operation on the day Audiovisual equipment, technical staff, photography cameraman, etc.
<<< 支援業務抜粋 >>>、
参加者 ・一般参加者 情報の 収集 及び名簿作成、参加登録フォーム作成、発表用データ収集ホテル~会場送迎バス手配、当日配布物セット、誘導 案内掲示 等 の作成、タイトルスライド作成、座席表・ 背割り席札作成前垂れ作成、名札作成、コーヒーブレイク準備、ランチメニュー札作成・設置、マニュアル・進行台本作成、司会・進行要員(英語)、レセプション・ディナー対応(手配・座席表・席札作成)、ケータリング対応(ベジタリアン/グルテンフリーメニュー及びハラルメニュー対応)、メニュー札に原材料名を日英併記、特定原材料7品目及び特定原材料21品目の表示、エクスカーション企画・催行(英語ガイド、バス手配、入場料・駐車場料立替他)、当日運営映像音響関連機材、技術員、写真撮影カメラマン、その他
We provided various support services at Kyoto University - University of Zurich Strategic Partnership Joint Symposium 2023 held face-to-face from March 7th (Tuesday) to 8th (Wednesday), 2023.
<<< Support work excerpt >>>,
Participants/general participants Collect information and create a name list, create a registration form, collect data for presentations Arrange for a shuttle bus from the hotel to the venue, create a set of handouts on the day, guide signage, etc., create a title slide, create a seating chart and split seats Tag creation, name tag creation, coffee break preparation, lunch menu tag creation/installation, manual/progress script creation, moderator/facilitator (English), reception/dinner support (arranging/seating chart/seat tag creation), catering support (vegetarian / gluten-free menu and halal menu available), ingredient names written in Japanese and English on the menu tag, indication of 7 specified ingredients and 21 specified ingredients, excursion planning and execution (English guide, bus arrangement, entrance fee, parking lot) Charge payment, etc.), operation on the day Audiovisual equipment, technical staff, photography cameraman, etc.
We supported the hybrid international event held at Katahira Campus of Tohoku University on August 4th and 5th, 2022.
At our company, we were in charge of public relations web page, lecture application / abstract submission / participation registration form creation, video recording and digest creation, delivery equipment on the day, technical staff, English support, reception, guidance version, name tag creation, corona infection countermeasures, etc.
We supported the hybrid international event held at Katahira Campus of Tohoku University on August 4th and 5th, 2022.
At our company, we were in charge of public relations web page, lecture application / abstract submission / participation registration form creation, video recording and digest creation, delivery equipment on the day, technical staff, English support, reception, guidance version, name tag creation, corona infection countermeasures, etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
In August 2022, we were in charge of creating the website and registration form held at Tohoku University.
In August 2022, we were in charge of creating the website and registration form held at Tohoku University.
2022年版HP更新 / Updated the Website
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
We have created the website of the Hybrid International Symposium and the abstract / registration form.
We have created the website of the Hybrid International Symposium and the abstract / registration form.
弊社では、事前準備諸業務では、Zoom Webinar 設定、登録フォーム設定、投票機能・終了後アンケート作成)設定など、注意事項スライド作成、講演資料準備、各講演資料データ収集、PDF製本データ作成、PDF講演資料送付(Dropbox利用)を実施。当日配信関係では、当日各技術スタッフ、当日映像音響機材、感染対策備品、お弁当手配を、事後業務では、収録動画加工・公開動画編集、動画公開及びリンク告知等を承りました。
On February 6, 2022, an online education workshop was held by Osaka University.
Our company provided, for the preparatory work, Zoom Webinar setting, registration form setting, voting function, post-completion questionnaire creation) setting, etc. Precautions slide creation, lecture material preparation, each lecture material data collection, PDF bookbinding data creation, PDF lecture Send materials (using Dropbox). Regarding delivery on the day, we received technical staff on the day, audiovisual equipment on the day, infection control equipment, lunch arrangements, and in the post-business, we received recording video processing, public video editing, video release and link notification etc.
弊社では、事前準備諸業務では、Zoom Webinar 設定、登録フォーム設定、投票機能・終了後アンケート作成)設定など、注意事項スライド作成、講演資料準備、各講演資料データ収集、PDF製本データ作成、PDF講演資料送付(Dropbox利用)を実施。当日配信関係では、当日各技術スタッフ、当日映像音響機材、感染対策備品、お弁当手配を、事後業務では、収録動画加工・公開動画編集、動画公開及びリンク告知等を承りました。
On February 6, 2022, an online education workshop was held by Osaka University.
Our company provided, for the preparatory work, Zoom Webinar setting, registration form setting, voting function, post-completion questionnaire creation) setting, etc. Precautions slide creation, lecture material preparation, each lecture material data collection, PDF bookbinding data creation, PDF lecture Send materials (using Dropbox). Regarding delivery on the day, we received technical staff on the day, audiovisual equipment on the day, infection control equipment, lunch arrangements, and in the post-business, we received recording video processing, public video editing, video release and link notification etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
We created a homepage design / coding and membership registration form.
We created a homepage design / coding and membership registration form.
2021年11月23日にドイツのハイデルベルク大学、カールスルーエ工科大学、Max Planck研究所と京都大学を結んだオンライン国際ワークショップ開催の諸業務を承りました。弊社では、配信・映像・音響機材、英語対応Zoom配信管理オペレーター、英語対応配信アシスタント、進行台本及びタイトルPPT作成(英語)、Zoom URL送付作業、スクリーンショット(ブレイクアウトルーム2室巡回含)、視聴者入室管理、英文テープ起こしを承りました。
On November 23, 2021, we oversaw holding an online international workshop connecting the University of Heidelberg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Max Planck Institute and Kyoto University in Germany. At our company, distribution / video / audio equipment, English-speaking Zoom distribution management operator, English-speaking distribution assistant, progress script and title PPT creation (English), sending out the Zoom URL, screenshots (including 2 breakout rooms patrol), We took care of entering the room and transcribing English tapes.
On November 23, 2021, we oversaw holding an online international workshop connecting the University of Heidelberg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Max Planck Institute and Kyoto University in Germany. At our company, distribution / video / audio equipment, English-speaking Zoom distribution management operator, English-speaking distribution assistant, progress script and title PPT creation (English), sending out the Zoom URL, screenshots (including 2 breakout rooms patrol), We took care of entering the room and transcribing English tapes.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
会場は、神戸大学出光佐三記念六甲台講堂 にてハイブリッド形式にて無事終了いたしました。
弊社では、WEBサイト作成、書家 上田普氏による書下ろしメインビジュアル制作、当日配信用イメージ動画制作、シンポジウム全体進行管理業務、事前準備業務(主催者会場との調整及び打合せ、技術者手配・打合せ、ディレクター手配及び打合せ、他関連業務)、当日運営(設営管理、当日会場配信管理、会場連絡調整、関係業者管理、搬入出管理、問題発生時対応、他関連業務)、配信・映像・音響機材、オペレーター(配信・映像・音響)、カメラマン、イベントディレクター、英語ディレクター、動画収録・編集、オンデマンド公開関連作業、同時通訳者手配、同時通訳機材、立て看板、各種サイン作成等の諸業務を承りました。
We provided support services at the international symposium held from November 21st to 23rd, 2021.
The venue was successfully completed in a hybrid format at the Idemitsu Sazo Memorial Rokkodai Auditorium at Kobe University.
Our company provided, website creation, main visual production by calligrapher Hiroshi Ueta, image video production for distribution on the day, overall progress management work of the symposium, advance preparation work (coordination and meeting with the organizer venue, arrangement and meeting of engineers, Director arrangement and meetings, other related work), same-day operation (setup, same-day venue distribution, venue contact coordination, related company, carry-in / out, problem response, other related work), distribution / video / audio equipment. We oversaw various tasks such as operator (delivery / video / sound), photographer, event director, English director, video recording/editing, on-demand publishing related work, simultaneous interpreter arrangement, simultaneous interpretation equipment, standing signboard, and various sign creation.
会場は、神戸大学出光佐三記念六甲台講堂 にてハイブリッド形式にて無事終了いたしました。
弊社では、WEBサイト作成、書家 上田普氏による書下ろしメインビジュアル制作、当日配信用イメージ動画制作、シンポジウム全体進行管理業務、事前準備業務(主催者会場との調整及び打合せ、技術者手配・打合せ、ディレクター手配及び打合せ、他関連業務)、当日運営(設営管理、当日会場配信管理、会場連絡調整、関係業者管理、搬入出管理、問題発生時対応、他関連業務)、配信・映像・音響機材、オペレーター(配信・映像・音響)、カメラマン、イベントディレクター、英語ディレクター、動画収録・編集、オンデマンド公開関連作業、同時通訳者手配、同時通訳機材、立て看板、各種サイン作成等の諸業務を承りました。
We provided support services at the international symposium held from November 21st to 23rd, 2021.
The venue was successfully completed in a hybrid format at the Idemitsu Sazo Memorial Rokkodai Auditorium at Kobe University.
Our company provided, website creation, main visual production by calligrapher Hiroshi Ueta, image video production for distribution on the day, overall progress management work of the symposium, advance preparation work (coordination and meeting with the organizer venue, arrangement and meeting of engineers, Director arrangement and meetings, other related work), same-day operation (setup, same-day venue distribution, venue contact coordination, related company, carry-in / out, problem response, other related work), distribution / video / audio equipment. We oversaw various tasks such as operator (delivery / video / sound), photographer, event director, English director, video recording/editing, on-demand publishing related work, simultaneous interpreter arrangement, simultaneous interpretation equipment, standing signboard, and various sign creation.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│書家 上田普氏│シンポジウム│通訳・翻訳│事務局業務│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│動画収録・編集
We oversaw the production of the Japanese version of the symposium website.
Homepage design, banner design, coding, link setting, etc.
We oversaw the production of the Japanese version of the symposium website.
Homepage design, banner design, coding, link setting, etc.
An international conference of East Asian researchers was held from September 7th to 10th, 2021, after being postponed for one year, it was held completely online. At the CS Center we provided, participation registration form (with card payment / receipt issuance function), participation application reception work (advance reception / inquiry response / payment management / registrant management / list creation), creation of a list of prospective participants (different formats) Collecting multiple files), sending guidance emails to participants, drafting Zoom instruction manuscripts (English), part-time job payment agency (salary / transportation expenses / lunch fee individual payment agency), secretariat support on the day (by email) Inquiries) etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務局業務│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
『書』 及び WEBデザイン及びコーディング
2021年11月21日~23日に開催されます国際シンポジウムの 『書』 及び WEBデザイン及びコーディングを担当させていただきました。書家の上田普氏が今回のシンポジウムの為に書下ろした作品、「極」 を使用した印象的なサイトとなっております。
We helped create a calligraphy book and web design and coding of the international symposium to be held from November 21st to 23rd, 2021. It is an impressive site that uses the work "Goku" written by calligrapher Hiroshi Ueta for this symposium
We helped create a calligraphy book and web design and coding of the international symposium to be held from November 21st to 23rd, 2021. It is an impressive site that uses the work "Goku" written by calligrapher Hiroshi Ueta for this symposium
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│Webサイト│書家 上田普氏│シンポジウム│デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成
We oversaw web design and coding for the lecture held on June 9, 2021, domain acquisition, and rental server contract agency.
2021年版HP更新 / Updated the Website
2大学共催 オンラインシンポジウム開催支援
On March 27, 2021, we supported an online two-university co-sponsored philosophy symposium.
Our company, 3 notebooks P (for host / distribution / for viewer screen confirmation / for sound), various video / sound equipment, operator, sound operator, account acquisition / setting, participation registration form, questionnaire creation, registrant management, We was in charge of video recording and editing work, etc.
On March 27, 2021, we supported an online two-university co-sponsored philosophy symposium.
Our company, 3 notebooks P (for host / distribution / for viewer screen confirmation / for sound), various video / sound equipment, operator, sound operator, account acquisition / setting, participation registration form, questionnaire creation, registrant management, We was in charge of video recording and editing work, etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│動画収録・編集
オンライン公開シンポジウム終了しました / Online Public Symposium
The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.
The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
ホームページの更新作業 / Homepage Updated
The update of the MEET Office homepage was successfully completed.
The update of the MEET Office homepage was successfully completed.
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)/ Intl. Symposium Web Design
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)
2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.
2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.
WEBサイト 及び 登録フォーム作成 / Created Website and Registration Form
京都大学経済研究所 シンポジウム 「持続可能な社会のための政策デザイン~気候変動政策とエネルギー転換~」 のWEBサイト及び登録フォームを作成致しました。
We created a website and registration form for a symposium on "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society—Climate Change Policy and Energy Transformation" hosted by the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research at Kyoto University.
We created a website and registration form for a symposium on "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society—Climate Change Policy and Energy Transformation" hosted by the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research at Kyoto University.
国際会議支援業務(Webサイト作成) / Intl. Conference Support (Web Design)
Took on website design work for international conference to be held in Osaka over 6 days in late September of 2022. Website to consist of 22 information pages and web forms of all types.
Took on website design work for international conference to be held in Osaka over 6 days in late September of 2022. Website to consist of 22 information pages and web forms of all types.
2020年版HP更新 / Updated the Website
March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.
March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
EGOS & OS in Kyoto が、2019年12月13日(金)~12月15日(日)迄、京都大学 百周年時計台記念館にて開催されました。
EGOS & OS in Kyoto was held from December 13th (Friday) to December 15th (Sunday), 2019 at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We undertook the following services.
◎ Participation registration form creation, card payment, abstract submission form operation
◎Creation of program book,
◎Secretariat work (complete set of work for accepting applications for participation, handling of pre-registration, organization, management and reporting of registered information, response to inquiries regarding submission of abstracts and peer review, response to revision of abstracts, etc., set of tasks such as allocating and requesting referees, peer review Sending results, arrangements for venues, lodging, social gatherings, etc., preparation of visa documents and supporting work, preparation of name tags and receipts, etc.)
◎ Venue staff on the day
◎ Meals and other arrangements (reception, banquet, shuttle bus arrangement, coffee break)
◎ Commemorative gift arrangement
◎Reimbursement for honorarium/participation support expenses
◎ Invitation air ticket arrangement and communication and coordination work
2019年9月15日~20日迄、奈良春日野国際フォーラム 甍~I・RA・KA~にて、全米気象協会(AMS) Conferende on Radar Meteorolog が開催されました。弊社では、下記の諸業務を承りました
広報用ページ作成作業一式(スマホ対応)、プログラム(Abst. Ext Abst.付き)リンク及びデータ調整作業、ホテル・エクスカーション予約機能、参加登録フォーム、オンライン決済機能、演題投稿フォーム、査読システム導入、投稿審査料決済フォーム作成、On-Site用簡易フォーム作成
招聘者対応(Travel Grant立替・対象者連絡調整、査証申請サポート=書類作成・アドバイス・送付作業等、査証書類送付(DHL)
グッズ作成手配(PENMO、リーガルパッド、セルトナ ポータブルバッグ、ゼブラ スタイラスC1、大判耐風折畳傘、扇子)
From September 15th to 20th, 2019, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Conference on Radar Meteorolog was held at the Kasugano International Forum in Nara. We undertook the following tasks
◎ WEB creation
PR page creation set (smartphone compatible), program (with Abst. Ext Abst.) link and data adjustment work, hotel excursion reservation function, participation registration form, online payment function, abstract submission form, peer review system introduction, submission review Creation of fee payment form, creation of simple form for on-site
◎ Secretariat work
Participation application reception work (advance reception, inquiry response, registrant management, presentation matching, list creation)
A set of abstract submission reception tasks (inquiries)
Invited person support (Travel Grant reimbursement/eligibility contact and adjustment, visa application support = document preparation, advice, sending work, etc., visa document sending (DHL)
Other secretariat work (booth public relations, booth related work, hotel block management, food and drink, banquet arrangement, merchandise arrangement)
Program book printing (adjustment work for printing data, printing bookbinding)
USB memory name engraving (data creation work = HTML file creation, storage inspection packing work set)
Excursion tour planning and arrangement
Various insurance procedures (for liability, injury, and excursions)
Name tag/receipt creation (name tag case/strap arrangement/name tag inner paper creation = receipt/lunch TKT…A6 perforated)
Participation certificate, replacement receipt, short course receipt, submission fee receipt
Goods production arrangement (PENMO, legal pad, Sertona portable bag, Zebra stylus C1, large windproof folding umbrella, folding fan)
◎ On the day operation, equipment and fixtures
Waste disposal, screen, switcher PC and other equipment/equipment set, display, notebook PC, file server system and other equipment set, signboards (hanging signboard, company exhibition company name plate, arm light, wiring), operator, participant reception/guidance ・Serving, company reception, preparation
◎ Excursion tour
Sightseeing bus, various admission fee coupons, English guide
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│国際会議│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│研究者招聘
2019年9月6日~7日迄、奈良春日野国際フォーラム 甍~I・RA・KA~にて、60th anniversary commemorative project by the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses "Comfort and Smart Textile International Symposium 2019" が開催されました。弊社では、下記の諸業務を承りました
From September 6th to 7th, 2019, the 60th anniversary commemorative project by the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses "Comfort and Smart Textile International Symposium 2019" will be held at Nara Kasugano International Forum I・RA・KA. was held. We undertook the following tasks
Creation and updating of the website for the international competition
Participation registration/settlement form creation/operation
Participant registration management and inquiry response
Card payment management business
Cancellation/refund business
Create reception list
Invitation of overseas speakers
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│国際会議│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│研究者招聘
2019年8月6日~10日迄、立命館大学衣笠キャンパスにて、DiGRA 2019 が開催されました。
Paypalフォーム作成=フォーム設定(英) 参加登録・カード決済
◎ WEB form creation etc.
Paypal form creation = Form setting (English) Participation registration / credit card payment
◎ Secretariat work
Participation application reception work, pre-reception correspondence, deposit management, organization and reporting of registration information
Invited guests, preparation of visa documents, sending of visa application documents, hotel arrangements for keynote speakers
Reward/travel expenses advance payment, withholding tax agent
Bank account opening, part-time job payroll calculation/advance payment, withholding tax agency
Meal arrangement, income and expenditure management table creation, post-processing expenses
Event insurance subscription, annual fee collection agent
Program book printing bookbinding, data organization editing
Reimbursement for lunch/dinner/coffee break
◎ Goods production
Congress bag creation, name tag creation (name tag and receipt paper creation, and name tag case arrangement)
Making an original folding fan, arranging notepads and ballpoint pens, purchasing souvenirs (Hyakunin Isshu), making logo stickers
◎Venue staff and PC rental on the day
On the day preparation operation personnel (reception leader, reception staff), notebook PC rental,
◎Shuttle bus arrangement
◎ Excursion tour planning and execution
Charter bus arrangement, English guide arrangement
Paypalフォーム作成=フォーム設定(英) 参加登録・カード決済
◎ WEB form creation etc.
Paypal form creation = Form setting (English) Participation registration / credit card payment
◎ Secretariat work
Participation application reception work, pre-reception correspondence, deposit management, organization and reporting of registration information
Invited guests, preparation of visa documents, sending of visa application documents, hotel arrangements for keynote speakers
Reward/travel expenses advance payment, withholding tax agent
Bank account opening, part-time job payroll calculation/advance payment, withholding tax agency
Meal arrangement, income and expenditure management table creation, post-processing expenses
Event insurance subscription, annual fee collection agent
Program book printing bookbinding, data organization editing
Reimbursement for lunch/dinner/coffee break
◎ Goods production
Congress bag creation, name tag creation (name tag and receipt paper creation, and name tag case arrangement)
Making an original folding fan, arranging notepads and ballpoint pens, purchasing souvenirs (Hyakunin Isshu), making logo stickers
◎Venue staff and PC rental on the day
On the day preparation operation personnel (reception leader, reception staff), notebook PC rental,
◎Shuttle bus arrangement
◎ Excursion tour planning and execution
Charter bus arrangement, English guide arrangement
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│国際会議│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
2019年7月6日(土)に、京都大学経済研究所シンポジウム:「文明と国際経済の地平~G20大阪サミットを受けて~」 が、京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟5階シンポジウムホールにて開催されました。弊社では、下記諸業務を承りました。
◎ Secretariat work
Website creation/registration form creation, PR for repeat customers, poster/flyer printing, poster/flyer shipping contract, printing of handouts on the day, printing and tallying of questionnaires, drafting of progress scripts
◎ Set up on the day
Creation, installation, and removal of the speaker's banner and signboards (standing signboards, free-standing arrow signs)
Writing utensils/memo pads, laptops, seamless switchers, monitors, RGB distributors, wireless operation sets, desktop lights, analog mixers, microphones, desktop microphone stands, IC recorders, professional cameras, field mixers, etc.
◎Preparation staff on the day
Video and audio operators, progress managers, receptionists, etc. (including venue guidance)
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
2019年版HP更新 Updating the Website
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.