A0ポスター データ作成

第10回 MACSコロキウム A0サイズポスターのデザイン・データ作成及び屋内用光沢紙印刷・屋内用布ポスター・防水紙ポスター印刷を承りました。
We created A0 size poster design and data creation, indoor glossy paper printing, indoor fabric posters, and waterproof paper poster printing for the 10th MACS Colloquium

2019年10月26日(土)に、京都大学経済研究所シンポジウム:「根拠に基づく政策のつくりかた」 が、京都大学国際科学イノベーション棟5階シンポジウムホールにて開催されました。弊社では、下記諸業務を承りました。
On Saturday, October 26, 2019, the Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Evidence-Based Policy Making" was held at the Symposium Hall on the 5th floor of the Kyoto University International Science Innovation Building. We undertook the following operations.
◎ Secretariat work
Website creation/registration form creation, PR for repeat customers, poster/flyer printing, poster/flyer shipping contract, printing of handouts on the day, printing and tallying of questionnaires, drafting of progress scripts
◎ Set up on the day
Creation, installation, and removal of the speaker's banner and signboards (standing signboards, free-standing arrow signs)
Writing utensils/memo pads, laptops, seamless switchers, monitors, RGB distributors, wireless operation sets, desktop lights, analog mixers, microphones, desktop microphone stands, IC recorders, professional cameras, field mixers, etc.
◎Preparation staff on the day
Video and audio operators, progress managers, receptionists, etc. (including venue guidance)

2019年10月20日~25日に、みやこめっせ京都にて、国際会議 SIMS-22 が開催されました。
弊社では、受付スタッフ及びエクスカーションツアー諸業務(平等院拝観クーポン・上林三入での抹茶体験・堀井七茗園 山出し煎茶緑茶手配及び京阪京都1日観光チケット・地下鉄市バス1日券)手配を承りました。
From October 20th to 25th, 2019, the international conference SIMS-22 was held at Miyako Messe Kyoto.
We arranged reception staff and excursion tours (coupons for visiting Byodo-in Temple, matcha experience at Kanbayashi Sanyu, Horii Shichimeien Yamadashi Sencha green tea, Keihan-Kyoto 1-day sightseeing ticket, subway city bus 1-day ticket).
京都大学人文科学研究所創立90周年記念事業講演会 「人文学の可能性 危機とその突破」 のポスターデザイン・印刷及び発送作業を承りました。
We created the poster design, printing, and shipping work for the 90th anniversary project lecture of the Kyoto University Research Institute for Humanities, "Possibility Crisis in the Humanities and Its Breakthrough."

We created the poster design, printing, and shipping work for the 90th anniversary project lecture of the Kyoto University Research Institute for Humanities, "Possibility Crisis in the Humanities and Its Breakthrough."


On October 3, 2019, we arranged maiko and geisha for the banquet venue at Funazuru Kyoto Kamogawa Resort.
2019年9月9日~30日迄開催の 立命館大学歴史都市防災研究所国際研修及び学外視察諸業務を承りました。
We accepted the international training and off-campus inspection work of the Ritsumeikan University Research Institute for Disaster Prevention and Urban History held from September 9th to 30th, 2019.
We were in charge of arranging air tickets for training participants and lecturers from overseas, contacting with invited guests, supporting visa document preparation, pick-up and drop-off arrangements, large sightseeing bus arrangements, accommodation hotels and parking lots, etc.
We accepted the international training and off-campus inspection work of the Ritsumeikan University Research Institute for Disaster Prevention and Urban History held from September 9th to 30th, 2019.
We were in charge of arranging air tickets for training participants and lecturers from overseas, contacting with invited guests, supporting visa document preparation, pick-up and drop-off arrangements, large sightseeing bus arrangements, accommodation hotels and parking lots, etc.