The international symposium "South China Sea Issues and the Future of the World Order" was held on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at the Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University. At our company, we arrange air tickets and accommodations for inviting researchers from overseas, liaise and coordinate, create online registration forms, manage pre-registration, create and print posters and leaflets, and send them to designated destinations. We were in charge of the evacuation and the excursion tour.

The international symposium "South China Sea Issues and the Future of the World Order" was held on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at the Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University. At our company, we arrange air tickets and accommodations for inviting researchers from overseas, liaise and coordinate, create online registration forms, manage pre-registration, create and print posters and leaflets, and send them to designated destinations. We were in charge of the evacuation and the excursion tour.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│ツアー│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│研究者招聘
コングレスバッグの作成(APBC 2018)
2018年1月15日~17日に慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスにて、APBC 2018 が開催されました。
APBC 2018 was held at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus from January 15th to 17th, 2018.
We at CS Center, we were able to create a congress bag.

APBC 2018 was held at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus from January 15th to 17th, 2018.
We at CS Center, we were able to create a congress bag.

第6回 Future Earth アジア地域ワークショップ
2018年1月15日~17日に 第6回 Future Earth アジア地域ワークショップ 及び アジア地域顧問会が開催されました。弊社では海外からの招聘者航空券・連絡調整を担当させていただきました。
The 6th Future Earth Asia Regional Workshop and Asian Regional Advisory Committee were held from January 15 to 17, 2018. At our company, we were in charge of air tickets and liaison coordination for guests from overseas.
The 6th Future Earth Asia Regional Workshop and Asian Regional Advisory Committee were held from January 15 to 17, 2018. At our company, we were in charge of air tickets and liaison coordination for guests from overseas.
Winter Seminar 2018 招聘事務業務全般 エクスカーションツアー
2018年1月9日(火)~20日(土)に Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science 2018 が開催され、CSセンターでは招聘事務業務全般及びエクスカーションツアー(平安神宮、ハンディクラフトセンター体験教室、着物茶道体験)を承りました。
At the Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science 2018 was held from January 9th (Tuesday) to 20th (Saturday), 2018, we at CS Center handled the general affairs for invitations and excursion tours (Heian Shrine, Handicraft Center experience class, a kimono tea ceremony experience).

At the Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science 2018 was held from January 9th (Tuesday) to 20th (Saturday), 2018, we at CS Center handled the general affairs for invitations and excursion tours (Heian Shrine, Handicraft Center experience class, a kimono tea ceremony experience).