シンポジウム 金融システムの安定性と金融業の競争
2013年10月30日(水)に、京都大学百周年時計台記念館国際交流ホールにて金融庁金融研究センター・京都大学経済研究所先端政策分析研究センター・大阪大学社会経済研究所共催による「シンポジウム 金融システムの安定性と金融業の競争」が開催されました。
On October 30, 2013 (Wednesday), at Kyoto University's 100th Anniversary Clock Tower International Exchange Hall, the " A symposium "Financial System Stability and Competition in the Financial Industry" was held.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, participation registration form creation, leaflet delivery work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, progress script/title background creation, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, front hanging, writing utensils for panel discussion, We were in charge of various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, video recording, reception / venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, travel expenses for invited speakers, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc. .

On October 30, 2013 (Wednesday), at Kyoto University's 100th Anniversary Clock Tower International Exchange Hall, the " A symposium "Financial System Stability and Competition in the Financial Industry" was held.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, participation registration form creation, leaflet delivery work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, progress script/title background creation, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, front hanging, writing utensils for panel discussion, We were in charge of various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, video recording, reception / venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, travel expenses for invited speakers, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc. .

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
14th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation

14th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET)が、2013年10月17日~19日まで、京都大学芝蘭会館本館にて開催されました。
CSセンターでは、Web、パンフ、PPT企画制作、WEBフォーム作成・稼働、アブストラクト(表紙デザイン・原稿編集加工・印刷・製本)・事務局(投稿・登録等対応事務、入金管理)、運営マニュアル作成、査証書類サポート、当日スタッフ(オペレーター・受付・会場スタッフ)、立て看板、吊り看板、各種表示板作成及び配送・設置、送迎シャトルバス手配、記念品・配布物(名札・領収書・チケット)、コングレスバッグ、謝金立替、表彰状・クリスタル楯作成、コーヒーブレーク・ランチ・ディナー手配、GALA DINNER、京舞い手配等の諸業務を担当させていただきました。
The 14th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation (GCET) was held from October 17th to 19th, 2013 at Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University.
At CS Center we were in charge of web, pamphlet, PPT planning and production, web form creation and operation, abstract (cover design, manuscript editing, printing, bookbinding), secretariat (submission, registration, payment management), operation manual creation, Visa document support, staff on the day (operators, reception staff, venue staff), signboards, hanging signs, various display board creation, delivery and installation, shuttle bus arrangements, souvenirs and handouts (name tags, receipts, tickets), congress I was in charge of various tasks such as bags, honorarium payment, certificate of commendation and crystal shield making, coffee break, lunch and dinner arrangements, GALA DINNER, and Kyoto dance.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│国際会議│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
Cheiron School 2013
2013年9月24日(火)~10月3日(木)まで、SPring-8 にて Cheiron School 2013 が開催されました。CSセンターでは、外国人講師・生徒の招聘(旅行アレンジ及び連絡調整)、諸経費立替を担当させて戴きました。
Cheiron School 2013 was held at SPring-8 from Tuesday, September 24th to Thursday, October 3rd, 2013. At CS Center, we were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.
Cheiron School 2013 was held at SPring-8 from Tuesday, September 24th to Thursday, October 3rd, 2013. At CS Center, we were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.