A0ポスター データ作成・印刷 / A0 Poster Design & Printing
MACS教育プログラム紹介の A0サイズポスターのデザイン・データ作成及び印刷を承りました。
We created the design, data creation and printing of an A0 size poster introducing the MACS education program.

We created the design, data creation and printing of an A0 size poster introducing the MACS education program.

オンラインシンポジウム無事終了しました / Online Symposium Finished Successfully
The symposium, which lasted two days starting 10 December 2020, finished successfully. The online and in-person hybrid symposium scheduled to be held in Matsuyama was changed to an all-online symposium based in Tokyo. Our work included introducing the online poster session system to presenters and attendees, creating the official homepage from text, including creating CSV files (templates) and manually adjusting templates, in addition to uploading presentation videos and materials, and other management and support activities.

The symposium, which lasted two days starting 10 December 2020, finished successfully. The online and in-person hybrid symposium scheduled to be held in Matsuyama was changed to an all-online symposium based in Tokyo. Our work included introducing the online poster session system to presenters and attendees, creating the official homepage from text, including creating CSV files (templates) and manually adjusting templates, in addition to uploading presentation videos and materials, and other management and support activities.

テープ起こし / Transcriptions
令和2年度中央IRB促進事業(東京地域)第1回意見交換会 及び 第2回意見交換会のテープ起こしを承りました。
2020 Central IRB promotion project (Tokyo area) We transcribed the 1st and 2nd opinion exchange meetings.
2020 Central IRB promotion project (Tokyo area) We transcribed the 1st and 2nd opinion exchange meetings.
合格証発行、入金管理、発送業務請負(漢字教育士合格証発行事務局) / Secretariat Duty
We issued the certificate of completion and send them to the successful applicants as the secretariat of the "Kanji Educator" qualification certification course.

We issued the certificate of completion and send them to the successful applicants as the secretariat of the "Kanji Educator" qualification certification course.