オンライン開催フォーラムのポスターデータ作成 / Online Forum Poster Design
We are delighted to accept your request to create A2 double-sided color posters.

We are delighted to accept your request to create A2 double-sided color posters.

オンライン公開シンポジウム終了しました / Online Public Symposium
The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.

The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
ホームページの更新作業 / Homepage Updated
The update of the MEET Office homepage was successfully completed.
The update of the MEET Office homepage was successfully completed.
調査出張手配 / Research Trip Arrangements
兵庫県豊岡市 出石への11名様分の調査出張手配を承りました。
We will make arrangements for 11 people for a research trip to Izushi in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture.
We will make arrangements for 11 people for a research trip to Izushi in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture.
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)/ Intl. Symposium Web Design
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)
2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.

2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.

オンラインシンポジウムのサポート / Online Symposium Support
We provided support for an online symposium over two days, from November 14th to the 15th.

We provided support for an online symposium over two days, from November 14th to the 15th.

球磨川調査会 / Kuma River Survey Committee
We will handle travel arrangements for the Kuma River Survey Committee (13 people).
(Rental car, hotel)
We will handle travel arrangements for the Kuma River Survey Committee (13 people).
(Rental car, hotel)
テープ起こし / Transcriptions
調査・分析班打ち合わせ テープ起こしを承りました。
Will produce transcriptions for investigation/analysis group.
Will produce transcriptions for investigation/analysis group.
ウポポイ入場クーポンの発券、JR手配 / Upopoy Entry Coupons & JR Arrangements
We will arrange JR travel and coupons for visiting Upopoy (National Ainu Museum and Park).
As a national center for conveying Ainu history and culture, Upopoy not only shares Ainu culture and taditions, which have been cultivated with nature over a long history, but also serves as a symbol for a society where people can coexist respectfully. The facilities are well equipped for learning about Ainu views on the world and nature, regardless of age or nationality.
We will arrange JR travel and coupons for visiting Upopoy (National Ainu Museum and Park).
As a national center for conveying Ainu history and culture, Upopoy not only shares Ainu culture and taditions, which have been cultivated with nature over a long history, but also serves as a symbol for a society where people can coexist respectfully. The facilities are well equipped for learning about Ainu views on the world and nature, regardless of age or nationality.