立命館大学歴史都市防災研究所 国際研修2015(ITC 2015)
UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2015
We at CS Center was in charge of inviting lecturers and trainees from overseas.
We at CS Center was in charge of inviting lecturers and trainees from overseas.
学会設立20周年記念大会にあたります「環境経済・政策学会2015年大会」が2015年9月18日~20日迄、京都大学で開催されました。CSセンターでは、プログラム集印刷製本、記念シンポジウム配布用資料印刷加工、公開講演会配布用資料印刷加工、コングレスバッグ作成、参加申込受付業務一式(登録・決済フォーム作成)、受付・問合せ・入金管理作業、立て看板、吊り看板、ポスターパネル、Welcome Party、記念セレモニー、余興手配(弦楽四重奏)、鏡開き一式、金屏風、スタンドフラワー、卓上装花、他諸業務を担当させていただきました。
The 2015 Conference of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies was held at Kyoto University from September 18th to 20th, 2015 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the society. We printed and bound program collections, prints and processes materials for commemorative symposium distribution, prints and processes materials for distribution of public lectures, creates congress bags, accepts applications for participation (registration and payment forms), and manages reception, inquiries, and deposits. , signboards, hanging signs, poster panels, welcome parties, commemorative ceremonies, entertainment arrangements (string quartet), kagamibiraki sets, gold folding screens, stand flowers, tabletop decorations, and other duties.

The 2015 Conference of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies was held at Kyoto University from September 18th to 20th, 2015 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the society. We printed and bound program collections, prints and processes materials for commemorative symposium distribution, prints and processes materials for distribution of public lectures, creates congress bags, accepts applications for participation (registration and payment forms), and manages reception, inquiries, and deposits. , signboards, hanging signs, poster panels, welcome parties, commemorative ceremonies, entertainment arrangements (string quartet), kagamibiraki sets, gold folding screens, stand flowers, tabletop decorations, and other duties.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│学会│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
Cheiron School 2015
2015年9月10日(木)~9月19日(土)まで、SPring-8 にて Cheiron School 2015 が開催されました。CSセンターでは、外国人講師・生徒の招聘(旅行アレンジ及び連絡調整)、諸経費立替を担当させて戴きました。
Cheiron School 2015 was held at SPring-8 from Thursday, September 10 to Saturday, September 19, 2015. We were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.
Cheiron School 2015 was held at SPring-8 from Thursday, September 10 to Saturday, September 19, 2015. We were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.