
We oversaw web design and coding for the lecture held on June 9, 2021, domain acquisition, and rental server contract agency.
シカゴの Northwestern University と立命館大学を結んでのオンライン講演会。
An online lecture connecting Northwestern University in Chicago and Ritsumeikan University.
Our company provided, 5 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation), 2 PCs for YouTube distribution (for distribution / viewing), HDD recorder / mixer for video recording, converter for YouTube distribution Various equipment set such as
Technical staff such as operators (Zoom host, joint host support), distribution management staff, etc.
We oversaw acquisition / setting of Zoom account proxy, English transcription / subtitle creation, video recording / editing work, etc.

An online lecture connecting Northwestern University in Chicago and Ritsumeikan University.
Our company provided, 5 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation), 2 PCs for YouTube distribution (for distribution / viewing), HDD recorder / mixer for video recording, converter for YouTube distribution Various equipment set such as
Technical staff such as operators (Zoom host, joint host support), distribution management staff, etc.
We oversaw acquisition / setting of Zoom account proxy, English transcription / subtitle creation, video recording / editing work, etc.

数理サマー 京大・理研合同市民講演会

2017年7月30日(日)に、京都大学益川ホールにて「数理サマー ~京大・理研合同市民講演会~」が開催されました。
On July 30, 2017 (Sunday), the "Mathematics Summer ~Kyoto University/RIKEN Joint Public Lecture~" was held at Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University.
We handled poster/flyer design and printing, website and participation registration form creation, address entry and enclosing/sealing work for posters/flyers, and secretariat work (participation application reception work = pre-reception and registration management), etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 11th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 11th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
On Saturday, August 1, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 10th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

On Saturday, August 1, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 10th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
2014年1月25日にキャンパスプラザ京都にて、三大学教養教育共同化『教養の時代』がやってきた が開催されました。CSセンターでは、動画撮影、写真撮影、画像データ編集、テーブルクロス手配を担当させていただきました。
On January 25, 2014, at Campus Plaza Kyoto, the three-university liberal arts education joint event "The age of liberal arts has arrived" was held. We were in charge of filming videos, taking photos, editing image data, and arranging tablecloths.

On January 25, 2014, at Campus Plaza Kyoto, the three-university liberal arts education joint event "The age of liberal arts has arrived" was held. We were in charge of filming videos, taking photos, editing image data, and arranging tablecloths.
路上サイエンス・トーク in neon forest!!
2011年12月16日(金)・17日(土)に知的文化としてのサイエンスを身近に!!<路上サイエンス・トーク in neon forest!!>–クリスマスに贈るネオンアートと京大の生物多様性研究の最前線トークが、Zest ゼスト御池 御幸町広場 にて行われます。
December 16th (Friday) and 17th (Saturday), 2011 Bring science as intellectual culture closer to you!! – Neon art for Christmas and biodiversity at Kyoto University A talk on the front lines of sex research will be held at Zest Miike Miyukicho Square.
An event to present to the citizens of Kyoto with the catchphrase "Science as an intellectual culture familiar to you!"
–We will introduce Kyoto University's unique biodiversity research to the world in a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by neon art, and deliver a blissful moment through the collaboration of art and science.

5:00-6:00 プラナリアにみる脳の進化 阿形清和(分子発生学講座)
6:00-7:00 ゴリラと過ごすひととき 山極寿一(理学研究科長)
7:00-9:00 霊長類ゲノムデータベースの紹介、市民との交流タイム
10:00-11:00 ミニチュア植物はどのようにして生まれたか 篠原渉(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
11:00-12:00 地球規模で見たキノコの分布~キノコは胞子の散布でどこまで分布を広げられるのか?~ 佐藤博敏(森林総合研究所)
1:00-2:00 植物と昆虫の対話 有村源一郎(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
2:00-3:00 暗黒ショウジョウバエ物語 布施直之(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
4:00-5:00 爬虫類を窮める 疋田 努(自然史学講座)
5:00-6:00 切っても切ってもプラナリア 阿形清和(分子発生学講座)
6:00-7:00 雪と氷の世界の生きものたち 幸島司郎(野生動物研究センター長)7:00-9:00 ネオンアート作者の安彦氏とのトーク、市民との交流タイム
ネオンアーチスト 安彦 哲男
[Friday, December 16]
From 5:00 pm, Science Talk Part 1 (Planaria vs. Gorilla)
5:00-6:00 Brain evolution seen in planarians Kiyokazu Agata (Molecular Embryology Course)
6:00-7:00 Time spent with gorillas Juichi Yamagiwa (Dean of the Graduate School of Science)
7:00-9:00 Introduction of the primate genome database, time for interaction with citizens
[Saturday, December 17]
◆From 10:00 a.m. Science Talk Part 2 (Yakushima Report)
10:00-11:00 How miniature plants were born Wataru Shinohara (Global COE special lecture on biodiversity)
11:00-12:00 Distribution of mushrooms on a global scale - How far can mushrooms spread by dispersing spores? ~ Hirotoshi Sato (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Lunch time (eating with researchers)
◆ From 1:00 pm, Science Talk Part 3 (Ecology, Behavior and Evolution)
1:00-2:00 Dialogue between plants and insects Genichiro Arimura (Global COE special lecture on biodiversity)
2:00-3:00 Dark Drosophila Story Naoyuki Fuse (Global COE Special Lecture on Biodiversity)
Tea time (Tea break with researchers)
◆ From 5:00 pm, Science Talk Part 4 (Science as Culture in Kyoto)
4:00-5:00 Reptile hunt Tsutomu Hikita (natural history course)
5:00-6:00 Cut and cut planaria Kiyokazu Agata (Molecular Embryology course)
6:00-7:00 Creatures in the world of snow and ice Shiro Koshima (Director of the Wildlife Research Center) 7:00-9:00 Talk with Mr. Yasuhiko, the creator of neon art, time to interact with citizens
Organized by:
Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Global COE
"Formation of bases for research on biodiversity and evolution"
Co-sponsored by:
Neon artist Tetsuo Yasuhiko
Zest Miike
Kyoto Radio Cafe Co., Ltd.
December 16th (Friday) and 17th (Saturday), 2011 Bring science as intellectual culture closer to you!!
An event to present to the citizens of Kyoto with the catchphrase "Science as an intellectual culture familiar to you!"
–We will introduce Kyoto University's unique biodiversity research to the world in a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by neon art, and deliver a blissful moment through the collaboration of art and science.

5:00-6:00 プラナリアにみる脳の進化 阿形清和(分子発生学講座)
6:00-7:00 ゴリラと過ごすひととき 山極寿一(理学研究科長)
7:00-9:00 霊長類ゲノムデータベースの紹介、市民との交流タイム
10:00-11:00 ミニチュア植物はどのようにして生まれたか 篠原渉(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
11:00-12:00 地球規模で見たキノコの分布~キノコは胞子の散布でどこまで分布を広げられるのか?~ 佐藤博敏(森林総合研究所)
1:00-2:00 植物と昆虫の対話 有村源一郎(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
2:00-3:00 暗黒ショウジョウバエ物語 布施直之(生物多様性学グローバルCOE特別講座)
4:00-5:00 爬虫類を窮める 疋田 努(自然史学講座)
5:00-6:00 切っても切ってもプラナリア 阿形清和(分子発生学講座)
6:00-7:00 雪と氷の世界の生きものたち 幸島司郎(野生動物研究センター長)7:00-9:00 ネオンアート作者の安彦氏とのトーク、市民との交流タイム
ネオンアーチスト 安彦 哲男
[Friday, December 16]
From 5:00 pm, Science Talk Part 1 (Planaria vs. Gorilla)
5:00-6:00 Brain evolution seen in planarians Kiyokazu Agata (Molecular Embryology Course)
6:00-7:00 Time spent with gorillas Juichi Yamagiwa (Dean of the Graduate School of Science)
7:00-9:00 Introduction of the primate genome database, time for interaction with citizens
[Saturday, December 17]
◆From 10:00 a.m. Science Talk Part 2 (Yakushima Report)
10:00-11:00 How miniature plants were born Wataru Shinohara (Global COE special lecture on biodiversity)
11:00-12:00 Distribution of mushrooms on a global scale - How far can mushrooms spread by dispersing spores? ~ Hirotoshi Sato (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Lunch time (eating with researchers)
◆ From 1:00 pm, Science Talk Part 3 (Ecology, Behavior and Evolution)
1:00-2:00 Dialogue between plants and insects Genichiro Arimura (Global COE special lecture on biodiversity)
2:00-3:00 Dark Drosophila Story Naoyuki Fuse (Global COE Special Lecture on Biodiversity)
Tea time (Tea break with researchers)
◆ From 5:00 pm, Science Talk Part 4 (Science as Culture in Kyoto)
4:00-5:00 Reptile hunt Tsutomu Hikita (natural history course)
5:00-6:00 Cut and cut planaria Kiyokazu Agata (Molecular Embryology course)
6:00-7:00 Creatures in the world of snow and ice Shiro Koshima (Director of the Wildlife Research Center) 7:00-9:00 Talk with Mr. Yasuhiko, the creator of neon art, time to interact with citizens
Organized by:
Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Global COE
"Formation of bases for research on biodiversity and evolution"
Co-sponsored by:
Neon artist Tetsuo Yasuhiko
Zest Miike
Kyoto Radio Cafe Co., Ltd.
Thinking about energy in the future
-From Hydrate Research Collaboration between Japan and Canada-
Thinking about energy in the future
-From Hydrate Research Collaboration between Japan and Canada-
2011年9月21日(水) に カナダ大使館 オスカー・ピーターソンシアターにて、慶應義塾大学・カナダ大使館共催フォーラム これからのエネルギーについて考える-日本とカナダのハイドレート研究連携から-が開催されました。CSセンターでは、運営マニュアル・進行台本・タイトルバック(パワーポイントで作成のバナー)、吊り看板及び誘導版、演者名前垂れ、前・当日会場セッティング・撤去、同時通訳手配、通訳音源二次使用許可手配、通訳コーディネータ、機材備品手配(プリンター、ケーブル、PC等)、トランシーバー、受付・誘導、ディレクター、オペレータ及びポスター・チラシ・外三折8頁カラーリーフレット、A4版両面モノクロ アブストラクト、カラーランチマップ、WEB登録用フォーム及びリンク用バナー作成、ポスター・チラシ送付作業一式を承りました。
On September 21, 2011 (Wednesday), Keio University and the Embassy of Canada jointly sponsored a forum "Thinking about the future of energy -From Japan and Canada's hydrate research collaboration-" was held at the Oscar Peterson Theater of the Canadian Embassy. Ta. At CS Center, we provide operation manuals, progress scripts, title backgrounds (banners created in PowerPoint), hanging signs and guide plates, performer names, setting and removal of venues before and on the day of the event, arrangements for simultaneous interpretation, arrangements for secondary use of sound sources for interpretation, Interpretation coordinator, equipment arrangement (printer, cable, PC, etc.), walkie-talkie, reception/guidance, director, operator, poster/flyer/8-page color leaflet, A4 double-sided monochrome abstract, color lunch map, for WEB registration We received a set of forms and link banner creation, and poster/flyer sending work.

Thinking about energy in the future
-From Hydrate Research Collaboration between Japan and Canada-
Thinking about energy in the future
-From Hydrate Research Collaboration between Japan and Canada-

このたび下記要領にて慶應義塾大学・カナダ大使館共催フォーラム「これからのエネルギーについて考える -日本とカナダのハイドレート研究連携から-」を実施する運びとなりました。
エネルギー環境問題には、地球温暖化問題などの長期的に緩やかに変化する問題と、3月11日の東日本大震災に端を発した電力エネルギー供給の問題のように突発的に生じる問題とがあり、 どちらに対してもグローバルな視点から適切な対応を行っていかなければなりません。
慶應義塾大学は、エネルギー資源を豊富に保有し、また、さまざまなエネルギー技術に先進的な研究開発活動を続けているカナダの産官学諸機関と、エネルギー環境に関してどのような協力連携 ができるかについて、カナダ大使館のご支援も得ながら検討を進めてまいりました。
本フォーラムでは、慶應義塾大学とカナダの研究機関が共に先端的な研究を進めているハイドレート、特にガスハイドレートを取り上げ、日本とカナダのハイドレート研究の第一人者が一堂に会して、 現在の基礎的知見から将来の実用化への展望まで広く講演、討論を行います。
【日 時】 2011年9月21日(水) 午前の部10:00~11:30 午後の部 13:00~17:10(9:30 開場・受付開始)
【場 所】 カナダ大使館 オスカー・ピーターソンシアター東京都港区赤坂7-3-38(会場アクセス)
【参 加】 無料・一般公開
【定 員】 200名
【参加方法】 事前登録制(必須) 9月14日(水)まで
【使用言語】 日本語・英語(同時通訳)
在日カナダ大使館公使(商務担当) ポール トッピル氏
10:10 - 11:30
司会:慶應義塾大学 理工学部 教授
慶應義塾先端科学技術研究センター(KLL) 所長 植田 利久
10:10 - 10:30
慶應義塾常任理事 真壁 利明
10:30 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:10
慶應義塾大学 研究連携推進本部 副本部長 羽鳥 賢一
11:10 - 11:30
慶應義塾大学 理工学部 教授 森 康彦
11:30 - 13:00
13:00 - 15:30
司会:慶應義塾大学 理工学部 教授 森 康彦
13:00 - 13:30
カナダ国立研究機構 ステーシー分子科学研究所 プログラムリーダー
ジョン リップミースター博士
13:30 - 14:00
三井造船株式会社 事業開発本部 NGHプロジェクト室 技術統括グループ
副グループ長 渡邊 茂氏
14:00 - 14:30
ブリティッシュコロンビア大学 化学バイオ工学科長/教授
ピーター エングレゾス博士
14:30 - 15:00
慶應義塾大学 理工学部 准教授 大村 亮
15:00 - 15:30
カナダ国立研究機構 ステーシー分子科学研究所 研究員
サーマン アラヴィ博士
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 - 17:00
司会:慶應義塾大学 理工学部 教授 森 康彦
17:00 – 17:10
慶應義塾大学 理工学部 教授
慶應義塾先端科学技術研究センター(KLL) 所長 植田 利久
慶應義塾先端科学技術研究センター ハイドレートフォーラム事務局
TEL 045-566-1470/FAX 045-566-1471 /E-mail:hydrate-forum[at]adst.keio.sc.jp
Keio University and the Embassy of Canada will jointly hold a forum entitled "Thinking about future energy -From hydrate research collaboration between Japan and Canada-".
Energy and environmental problems include problems that change gradually over the long term, such as global warming, and problems that arise suddenly, such as the problem of power supply caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11. , we must take appropriate measures from a global perspective.
Keio University has an abundance of energy resources and is interested in what kind of cooperation and collaboration it can do with Canadian industry, government, and academia institutions, which continue to conduct advanced research and development activities in various energy technologies. , with the support of the Canadian Embassy.
As one of the results, we decided to co-host this forum this time.
In this forum, Keio University and research institutes in Canada are jointly pursuing cutting-edge research on hydrates, especially gas hydrates. , We will give a wide range of lectures and discussions from current basic knowledge to prospects for future practical application.
We hope that this report will serve as a useful reference when considering energy and environmental issues in the future.
"I understand that everyone is busy, but I would like to invite you to visit us."
"Also, if there are people nearby who are interested, I would appreciate it if you could let them know."
[Date and time] September 21, 2011 (Wednesday) Morning session 10:00-11:30 Afternoon session 13:00-17:10 (doors open at 9:30, reception starts)
[Place] Canadian Embassy Oscar Peterson Theater 7-3-38 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo (venue access)
[Participation] Free and open to the public
[Capacity] 200 people
[Participation method] Pre-registration required (required) Until September 14th (Wednesday)
[Language] Japanese/English (simultaneous interpretation)
Opening remarks
Mr. Paul Toppil, Minister of Embassy of Canada in Japan (Commercial Affairs)
keynote speech
Moderator: Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Keio University Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (KLL) Director Toshihisa Ueda
"Keio University; Towards Interdisciplinary Research in the Energy Field"
Keio University Executive Director Toshiaki Makabe
“Energy-Related Research in Canada and Expectations for Collaboration with Japan”
(under adjustment)
"Global Trends in Hydrate-Related Technologies from the Perspective of Intellectual Property"
Kenichi Hatori, Deputy General Manager, Research Collaboration Promotion Headquarters, Keio University
"Development of Energy Technology Using Hydrate: Current Outlook"
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Professor Yasuhiko Mori
13:00 - 15:30
Introducing the latest hydrate-related research
Moderator: Yasuhiko Mori, Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
13:00 - 13:30
"Changing Concepts in Clathrate Hydrate Science"
Program Leader, Stacey Institute for Molecular Science, National Research Agency of Canada
Dr. John Lipmeester
13:30 - 14:00
"World's First Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) Land Transport Demonstration Project"
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Business Development Headquarters NGH Project Office Technology Management Group
Deputy Group Leader Shigeru Watanabe
14:00 - 14:30
"Gas Hydrate and Carbon Management"
University of British Columbia Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering Chair/Professor
Dr. Peter Engrezos
14:30 - 15:00
“Expansion into new fields such as air conditioning”
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Associate Professor Ryo Omura
15:00 - 15:30
"Molecular simulation of CH4 and CO2 gas hydrates"
Researcher, Stacey Institute for Molecular Science, National Research Organization of Canada
Dr. Thurman Alavi
15:30 – 15:50
panel discussion
Moderator: Yasuhiko Mori, Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
“What is the significance of hydrate research and Japan-Canada collaboration in future energy problems?”
17:00 – 17:10
closing remarks
Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology Professor
Keio University Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (KLL) Director Toshihisa Ueda
*Photographers will be taking pictures and recording in the venue.
Filmed/recorded videos/photos will be used as PR materials in public relations magazines, pamphlets, websites, etc. issued by Keio University.
Thank you for your understanding.
Keio Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology Hydrate Forum Secretariat
TEL 045-566-1470 / FAX 045-566-1471 / E-mail: hydrate-forum[at]adst.keio.sc.jp
"How do living organisms treat damaged DNA? - Mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body -"
"How do living organisms treat damaged DNA? - Mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body -"

【開催日時】 平成23年9月17日(土)13:45~15:45 (13:20開場)
[Date and time] Saturday, September 17, 2011, 13:45-15:45 (doors open at 13:20)
【会場】 京都大学 東京オフィス 品川インターシティA棟27階
[Venue] Kyoto University Tokyo Office Shinagawa Intercity Building A 27th Floor
我々の身体を構成している細胞には、遺伝情報の源であるDNA が存在していますが、このDNAは、放射線や紫外線などの様々な外的要因によって傷つけられます。しかし、我々の身体には、こういったDNAの傷を見事に修復するシステムが兼ね備わっています。今回の市民講座では、DNA修復研究の専門家の先生お二人に、我々の身体を守るDNA修復のシステムが、いかに巧妙に制御され、身体を守っているのかについてお話して頂きます。
田中 亀代次 先生(大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 教授)
河野 隆志 先生(国立がん研究センター研究所 ゲノム生物学分野 分野長)
【参加方法】 事前登録制(定員100名・先着順)
【主催】 文部科学省新学術領域研究
(領域代表者:学習院大学・理学部・花岡文雄 http://www.dnarepair.jp/)
DNA, which is the source of genetic information, exists in the cells that make up our bodies, but this DNA is damaged by various external factors such as radiation and ultraviolet rays. However, our bodies are also equipped with a system that repairs these DNA damages admirably. In this public lecture, two experts in DNA repair research will talk about how the DNA repair system that protects our bodies is ingeniously controlled and protects our bodies.
Professor Kameyoji Tanaka (Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University)
"Mechanism of repairing DNA damage caused by sunlight and its abnormal diseases"
Professor Takashi Kono (National Cancer Center Research Institute, Department of Genome Biology, Head)
“Mechanisms of DNA repair affecting carcinogenesis and cancer therapy”
[Participation method] Pre-registration system (capacity 100 people, first-come-first-served basis)
Please apply by e-mail or fax to the contact below.
*Please enter your name, address, phone number, and occupation with the title as "Citizen Lecture Participation". Personal information such as names and addresses will not be provided to third parties.
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Research Center
Email: matsuura@house.rbc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Phone: 075-753-7556
Fax: 075-753-7564
[Organizer] Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
“Coupling of Genome Replication, Repair, and Transcription and Universal Mechanism of Chromatin Structural Conversion”
(Area representative: Gakushuin University, Faculty of Science, Fumio Hanaoka http://www.dnarepair.jp/)
The Evolving World of Life - From Biomacromolecules to Biodiversity
From brain-nervous system to human society
The Evolving World of Life - From Biomacromolecules to Biodiversity
From brain-nervous system to human society

◎日時: 2011年7月31日(日)13:00-17:00
◎場所: 京都大学本部構内 百年周年時計台記念館1Fホール
◎オーガナイザー: 嶋田正和(東大・院総)・長谷部光泰(基生研)
長谷部 光泰(自然科学研究機構基礎生物学研究所教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
山岸 明彦 (東京薬科大学・教授)
加藤 茂明 (東京大学・分子細胞生物学研究所・教授)
清水 健太郎(チューリッヒ大学・植物生物学研究院)
伊藤 元己(東京大学・大学院総合文化研究科・教授)
岡ノ谷 一夫(東京大学大学院教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
「種分化の分子基盤: ヴィクトリア湖の魚たち」
岡田 典弘 (東京工業大学・生命理工学部・教授)
「おわりに-進化学の最前線と進化教育の新しい展開: 新学習指導要領への高大連携」
嶋田 正和(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
Public Lecture "The Evolving World of Life - From Biopolymers to Biodiversity, Brain-Nervous System to Human Society" will be held. This public lecture will explore the dynamic evolution of organisms inhabiting the earth, from mutations in DNA and proteins, to physiological phenotypic plasticity and epigenetics in unicellular and multicellular organisms and biodiversity. Exploring a new understanding of biological evolution and conveying the fun of the forefront of evolution to younger generations by looking at a wide range of subjects, from learning behavior governed by the brain and nervous system of animals to the evolution of human language. The purpose is
In addition, the theme that partially corresponds to the high school biology of the new curriculum guidelines that will be implemented from 2012 will be developed from a new angle, making it a project that contributes to evolutionary education.
This is a public lecture for high school students and members of the general public, so we welcome many interested people to attend.
◎Date: July 31, 2011 (Sun) 13:00-17:00
◎Venue: Kyoto University Headquarters, 100th Anniversary Clock Tower Memorial Hall 1F Hall
◎Organizers: Masakazu Shimada (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School), Mitsuyasu Hasebe (NIBB)
"Introduction - The Interest of Modern Evolutionary Biology"
Mitsuyasu Hasebe (Professor, National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Affiliate member of the Science Council of Japan)
"Evolution of archaea in harsh environments"
Akihiko Yamagishi (Professor, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
"Mechanism of epigenetics that changes phenotype"
Shigeaki Kato (The University of Tokyo, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Professor)
"Adaptive evolution of plants"
Kentaro Shimizu (Faculty of Plant Biology, University of Zurich)
"Topic of bioinformatics and biodiversity"
Motoki Ito (University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Professor)
"Learning Bird Songs in the Brain-Nervous System, and Human Language Evolution"
Kazuo Okanoya (Professor, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, Affiliate Member of the Science Council of Japan)
"Molecular Basis of Speciation: Fish of Lake Victoria"
Norihiro Okada (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Professor)
“Concluding Remarks - The Front Line of Evolutionary Science and New Developments in Evolutionary Education: High School-University Collaboration for the New Curriculum Standards”
Masakazu Shimada (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Affiliated Member of the Science Council of Japan)
立て看板・他:Partha Dasgupta教授講演会
2010年2月15日(月)に芝蘭会館稲盛ホール(京都大学医学部構内)にてPartha Dasgupta教授講演会“Trust and cooperation among economic agents-Economics : A very short introduction-”が開催されました。
