
2019年9月15日~20日迄、奈良春日野国際フォーラム 甍~I・RA・KA~にて、全米気象協会(AMS) Conferende on Radar Meteorolog が開催されました。弊社では、下記の諸業務を承りました
広報用ページ作成作業一式(スマホ対応)、プログラム(Abst. Ext Abst.付き)リンク及びデータ調整作業、ホテル・エクスカーション予約機能、参加登録フォーム、オンライン決済機能、演題投稿フォーム、査読システム導入、投稿審査料決済フォーム作成、On-Site用簡易フォーム作成
招聘者対応(Travel Grant立替・対象者連絡調整、査証申請サポート=書類作成・アドバイス・送付作業等、査証書類送付(DHL)
グッズ作成手配(PENMO、リーガルパッド、セルトナ ポータブルバッグ、ゼブラ スタイラスC1、大判耐風折畳傘、扇子)
From September 15th to 20th, 2019, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Conference on Radar Meteorolog was held at the Kasugano International Forum in Nara. We undertook the following tasks
◎ WEB creation
PR page creation set (smartphone compatible), program (with Abst. Ext Abst.) link and data adjustment work, hotel excursion reservation function, participation registration form, online payment function, abstract submission form, peer review system introduction, submission review Creation of fee payment form, creation of simple form for on-site
◎ Secretariat work
Participation application reception work (advance reception, inquiry response, registrant management, presentation matching, list creation)
A set of abstract submission reception tasks (inquiries)
Invited person support (Travel Grant reimbursement/eligibility contact and adjustment, visa application support = document preparation, advice, sending work, etc., visa document sending (DHL)
Other secretariat work (booth public relations, booth related work, hotel block management, food and drink, banquet arrangement, merchandise arrangement)
Program book printing (adjustment work for printing data, printing bookbinding)
USB memory name engraving (data creation work = HTML file creation, storage inspection packing work set)
Excursion tour planning and arrangement
Various insurance procedures (for liability, injury, and excursions)
Name tag/receipt creation (name tag case/strap arrangement/name tag inner paper creation = receipt/lunch TKT…A6 perforated)
Participation certificate, replacement receipt, short course receipt, submission fee receipt
Goods production arrangement (PENMO, legal pad, Sertona portable bag, Zebra stylus C1, large windproof folding umbrella, folding fan)

◎ On the day operation, equipment and fixtures
Waste disposal, screen, switcher PC and other equipment/equipment set, display, notebook PC, file server system and other equipment set, signboards (hanging signboard, company exhibition company name plate, arm light, wiring), operator, participant reception/guidance ・Serving, company reception, preparation
◎ Excursion tour
Sightseeing bus, various admission fee coupons, English guide

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 10:12│Comments(0)
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