市民公開シンポジウム ハイブリッド開催支援
2024年2月17日(土)~18日(日)に京都大学で開催されました 東日本大震災における原発事故による福島の損害賠償と復興~これまでの歩みとこれから~ にて、ハイブリッド開催の当日運営支援、準備事務局、文字起こし、動画編集等諸業務を承りました
The hybrid event 「Compensation and reconstruction of Fukushima due to the nuclear power plant accident during the Great East Japan Earthquake - Past progress and future」 held at Kyoto University from February 17th (Saturday) to February 18th (Sunday), 2024. We handled various tasks such as operational support, preparatory office, transcription, video editing, etc.

The hybrid event 「Compensation and reconstruction of Fukushima due to the nuclear power plant accident during the Great East Japan Earthquake - Past progress and future」 held at Kyoto University from February 17th (Saturday) to February 18th (Sunday), 2024. We handled various tasks such as operational support, preparatory office, transcription, video editing, etc.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 17:17│Comments(0)
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