SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference
7月26日(火)~30日(土)までの国際分子進化学会 SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference が京都大学百周年記念時計台、芝蘭会館、みやこめっせ にて始まりました。CSセンターでは、3会場前の立て看板(3×6)、各種誘導版、ポスター会場設営、企業展示小間設営、社名版、コピー機・カラープリンター・トランシーバーレンタル、うちわ作成等を承りました。
From July 26th (Tuesday) to 30th (Saturday), the SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference of the International Society for Molecular Evolution began at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower, Shiran Kaikan, and Miyako Messe. At CS Center, we received orders for billboards (3 x 6) in front of the three venues, various guidance boards, poster venue construction, corporate exhibition booth construction, company name boards, copier/color printer/transceiver rental, fan creation, etc.

From July 26th (Tuesday) to 30th (Saturday), the SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference of the International Society for Molecular Evolution began at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower, Shiran Kaikan, and Miyako Messe. At CS Center, we received orders for billboards (3 x 6) in front of the three venues, various guidance boards, poster venue construction, corporate exhibition booth construction, company name boards, copier/color printer/transceiver rental, fan creation, etc.

日本進化学会 第13回大会の要旨集が完成致しました。
Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Evolutionary Society of Japan have been completed.
A4 size, color cover (coated 135K), monochrome text, 138 pages

Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Evolutionary Society of Japan have been completed.
A4 size, color cover (coated 135K), monochrome text, 138 pages

うちわ 作成
7月26日より開催されますSMBE 2011の うちわ を作成致しました。
今年は節電の影響で通常の骨のある うちわ が品切れとなり、全て厚紙で作られた”紙エコうちわ”1,000枚を作成しました。
I made fan for SMBE 2011 which will be held from July 26th.
This year, due to the power saving, his usual ribbed fans were out of stock, so he made 1,000 "Paper Eco Fans" made entirely of cardboard.

今年は節電の影響で通常の骨のある うちわ が品切れとなり、全て厚紙で作られた”紙エコうちわ”1,000枚を作成しました。
I made fan for SMBE 2011 which will be held from July 26th.
This year, due to the power saving, his usual ribbed fans were out of stock, so he made 1,000 "Paper Eco Fans" made entirely of cardboard.

「日本進化学会 第13回大会」「市民公開講座 進化する生物の世界-生体高分子から生物多様性 脳-神経系から人間社会まで」「高校生ポスター発表 みんなのジュニア進化学」のポスター印刷及び発送代行作業を承りました。
"The 13th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Studies" "Public Lecture: The World of Evolving Organisms - From Biopolymers to Biodiversity: From the Brain - From the Nervous System to Human Society" - "High School Poster Presentation: Everyone's Junior Evolution" poster printing and shipping agent I accepted the work.

"The 13th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Studies" "Public Lecture: The World of Evolving Organisms - From Biopolymers to Biodiversity: From the Brain - From the Nervous System to Human Society" - "High School Poster Presentation: Everyone's Junior Evolution" poster printing and shipping agent I accepted the work.

コンクリート工学年次大会2011(JCI 2011 大阪大会)が2011年7月12日(火)~14日(木)まで大阪国際会議場(グランキューブ大阪)で開催されました。弊社では、ポスター印刷、蛇腹パンフレット作成及び印刷、アンケート用紙印刷を承りました。
The Concrete Engineering Annual Conference 2011 (JCI 2011 Osaka Conference) was held from July 12th (Tuesday) to 14th (Thursday), 2011 at the Osaka International Conference Center (Grand Cube Osaka). At our company, we received requests for poster printing, bellows pamphlet creation and printing, and questionnaire printing.

The Concrete Engineering Annual Conference 2011 (JCI 2011 Osaka Conference) was held from July 12th (Tuesday) to 14th (Thursday), 2011 at the Osaka International Conference Center (Grand Cube Osaka). At our company, we received requests for poster printing, bellows pamphlet creation and printing, and questionnaire printing.

5th ICGC Scientific Workshop
International Cancer Genome Consortium
5th ICGC Scientific Workshop が2011年7月10日~12日まで、国立京都国際会議場で開催されました。
International Cancer Genome Consortium
The 5th ICGC Scientific Workshop was held from July 10th to 12th, 2011 at the Kyoto International Conference Center.
We have accepted poster printing for overseas poster presenters.

5th ICGC Scientific Workshop が2011年7月10日~12日まで、国立京都国際会議場で開催されました。
International Cancer Genome Consortium
The 5th ICGC Scientific Workshop was held from July 10th to 12th, 2011 at the Kyoto International Conference Center.
We have accepted poster printing for overseas poster presenters.

The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
(共催: 東京工業大学グローバルCOE「生命時空間ネットワーク進化型教育研究拠点」)
The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
was held from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 10th, 2011 at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower International Exchange Hall.
(Co-sponsored by: Tokyo Institute of Technology Global COE "Evolutionary Education and Research Center for Life-Spatio-Temporal Networks")
We set up poster panels, set up a large screen (4000mm x 4000mm), arranged to invite invited speakers, and prepared abstracts.

"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
(共催: 東京工業大学グローバルCOE「生命時空間ネットワーク進化型教育研究拠点」)
The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
was held from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 10th, 2011 at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower International Exchange Hall.
(Co-sponsored by: Tokyo Institute of Technology Global COE "Evolutionary Education and Research Center for Life-Spatio-Temporal Networks")
We set up poster panels, set up a large screen (4000mm x 4000mm), arranged to invite invited speakers, and prepared abstracts.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
Abstracts 抄録集 要旨集
The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
We accepted the printing and binding of the collection of abstracts.

"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
We accepted the printing and binding of the collection of abstracts.