ITC 2017
立命館大学ユネスコ・チェア「文化遺産と危機管理」国際研修(UNESCO Chair Programme on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017, 12th year, Ritsumeikan University)が、28th August to 16th September, 2017に Kyoto, Kobe and Kumano, Japan で開催されました。CSセンターでは、海外よりの専門家及び講師招聘(ブータン、トルコ、マラウイ、ブラジル、ラオス、イタリア、インド、ネパール、アメリカ、マレーシア、フィリピン、パキスタン、ルーマニア)、査証書類作成支援、ホテル手配・管理、バス・空港シャトル・専用タクシー手配等を担当させていただきました。
Ritsumeikan University UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017, 12th year, Ritsumeikan University, 28th August It was held in Kyoto, Kobe and Kumano, Japan on to 16th September, 2017. The CS Center invites experts and lecturers from overseas (Bhutan, Turkey, Malawi, Brazil, Laos, Italy, India, Nepal, the United States, Malaysia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Romania), assists with visa document preparation, arranges and manages hotels, I was in charge of arranging buses, airport shuttles, private taxis, etc.
Ritsumeikan University UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management, International Training Course (ITC) on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2017, 12th year, Ritsumeikan University, 28th August It was held in Kyoto, Kobe and Kumano, Japan on to 16th September, 2017. The CS Center invites experts and lecturers from overseas (Bhutan, Turkey, Malawi, Brazil, Laos, Italy, India, Nepal, the United States, Malaysia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Romania), assists with visa document preparation, arranges and manages hotels, I was in charge of arranging buses, airport shuttles, private taxis, etc.
Seminar on Informatics 2017
2017年9月6日(水)に Seminar on Informatics 2017 Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University の京都市内ツアーを承りました。
On September 6, 2017 (Wednesday), we accepted a tour of Kyoto City for the Seminar on Informatics 2017 Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
We were in charge of arranging small buses and English guides, scent bag making experience classes, kimono dressing and tea ceremony arrangements, and Kiyomizu-dera and Sanjusangendo coupon preparations.

On September 6, 2017 (Wednesday), we accepted a tour of Kyoto City for the Seminar on Informatics 2017 Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
We were in charge of arranging small buses and English guides, scent bag making experience classes, kimono dressing and tea ceremony arrangements, and Kiyomizu-dera and Sanjusangendo coupon preparations.