12th China Korea Japan Seminar
2017年12月18日(月)~20日(水)迄、京都大学宇治キャンパスにて、12th China Korea Japan Seminar が開催されました。
The 12th China Korea Japan Seminar was held from December 18th (Monday) to 20th (Wednesday), 2017 at the Uji Campus of Kyoto University.
At the CS Center, we provide abstract book printing, online registration/payment forms, a set of abstract participation registration management tasks (participation registration reception/management/inquiries and card payments/payment management), reception staff on the day, excursion tours (Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Hall, I was in charge of the Kitayama Cedar Village and Nakagawa Town Tour).

The 12th China Korea Japan Seminar was held from December 18th (Monday) to 20th (Wednesday), 2017 at the Uji Campus of Kyoto University.
At the CS Center, we provide abstract book printing, online registration/payment forms, a set of abstract participation registration management tasks (participation registration reception/management/inquiries and card payments/payment management), reception staff on the day, excursion tours (Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Hall, I was in charge of the Kitayama Cedar Village and Nakagawa Town Tour).

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│セミナー│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
第3回 橋渡し研究戦略的推進プログラムシンポジウム

2017年12月12日(火)に、第3回 橋渡し研究戦略的推進プログラムシンポジウムが慶應義塾大学信濃町キャンパス2号館11F/大会議室・中会議室にて開催されました。CSセンターでは、立て看板・サインスタンド(A3表示版)、演者・座長名前垂れ、ポスターパネル、名札作成、コーヒーブレーク、写真撮影カメラマン手配、ビデオ撮影スタッフ手配、テープ起こしを承りました。
On December 12, 2017 (Tuesday), the 3rd Translational Research Strategic Promotion Program Symposium was held at Keio University Shinanomachi Campus, Building 2, 11F/Large and Medium Meeting Rooms. At the CS Center, we received billboards, sign stands (A3 display size), names of performers and chairpersons, poster panels, name tag creation, coffee breaks, photo cameraman arrangements, video shooting staff arrangements, and tape transcription.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
2017年12月9日(土)に、京都大学益川ホールにて、 "2nd CER-NIE Joint Symposium: Ecology in a new generation: Interdisciplinary approach to biodiversity" が開催されました。CSセンターでは、海外からの招待講演者招聘手配、立て看板、矢印誘導サイン、横看板、スタンドフラワーの配送・設置・撤収を担当させていただきました。
"2nd CER-NIE Joint Symposium: Ecology in a new generation: Interdisciplinary approach to biodiversity" was held on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University. At the CS Center, I was in charge of inviting invited speakers from overseas, delivering, installing, and removing the billboards, arrow guidance signs, horizontal billboards, and stand flowers.

"2nd CER-NIE Joint Symposium: Ecology in a new generation: Interdisciplinary approach to biodiversity" was held on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at Maskawa Hall, Kyoto University. At the CS Center, I was in charge of inviting invited speakers from overseas, delivering, installing, and removing the billboards, arrow guidance signs, horizontal billboards, and stand flowers.

PCRC 3rd International Symposium
2017年12月7日(木)~9日(土)迄、PCRC 3rd International Symposium が神戸大学にて開催されました。CSセンターでは、WEBサイト・登録フォーム、ネームカード・プレート、ポスター、プログラム集の作成を担当させていただきました。
PCRC 3rd International Symposium was held at Kobe University from Thursday, December 7th to Saturday, December 9th, 2017. At the CS Center, I was in charge of creating the website/registration form, name cards/plates, posters, and program collection.

PCRC 3rd International Symposium was held at Kobe University from Thursday, December 7th to Saturday, December 9th, 2017. At the CS Center, I was in charge of creating the website/registration form, name cards/plates, posters, and program collection.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
国際シンポジウム 世界の食研究と高等教育~ガストロノミーを拓く~
2017年12月2日(土)に、国際シンポジウム 世界の食研究と高等教育~ガストロノミーを拓く~が、立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス ローム記念館で開催されました。
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, the international symposium "Food Research and Higher Education in the World - Pioneering Gastronomy -" was held at Ritsumeikan University's Biwako-Kusatsu Campus ROHM Memorial Hall.
We at CS Center were in charge of arranging air tickets for the invited speakers, liaison and coordination, airport transfers and accompanying services, and hotel accommodations.
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, the international symposium "Food Research and Higher Education in the World - Pioneering Gastronomy -" was held at Ritsumeikan University's Biwako-Kusatsu Campus ROHM Memorial Hall.
We at CS Center were in charge of arranging air tickets for the invited speakers, liaison and coordination, airport transfers and accompanying services, and hotel accommodations.
京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズⅡ:豊かさを育むエビデンスベース社会の実現に向けて 第6回「明日の社会を創る-科学技術と大学-」が、2017年12月2日(土)に、京都大学国際イノベーション棟5階シンポジウムホールにて開催されました。
Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Towards the realization of an evidence-based society that nurtures affluence The 6th "Creating the Society of Tomorrow - Science and Technology and Universities -" was held on December 2, 2017 (Saturday). It was held at the Symposium Hall on the 5th floor of the Kyoto University International Innovation Building.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, CAPS leaflet printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, front hanging, writing for panel discussion. I was in charge of equipment, various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, video recording, reception / venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc.

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Towards the realization of an evidence-based society that nurtures affluence The 6th "Creating the Society of Tomorrow - Science and Technology and Universities -" was held on December 2, 2017 (Saturday). It was held at the Symposium Hall on the 5th floor of the Kyoto University International Innovation Building.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, CAPS leaflet printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, front hanging, writing for panel discussion. I was in charge of equipment, various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, video recording, reception / venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│シンポジウム│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
International Workshop
The Future of Oil Palm in Indonesia and Malaysia が2017年12月1日に同志社大学にて開催されました。CSセンターでは横断幕代わりの、ウッドラック製特大サインを作成させていただきました。
The Future of Oil Palm in Indonesia and Malaysia was held at Doshisha University on December 1, 2017. We we created an oversized sign made of wood rack instead of a banner.

The Future of Oil Palm in Indonesia and Malaysia was held at Doshisha University on December 1, 2017. We we created an oversized sign made of wood rack instead of a banner.