合格証発行、入金管理、発送業務請負(漢字教育士合格証発行事務局) Secretariat Duty
We issued the certificate of completion and send them to the successful applicants as the secretariat of the "Kanji Educator" qualification certification course.
京都大学経済研究所 シンポジウム 「文明と国際経済の地平~G20大阪サミットを受けて~」 のポスター・チラシ印刷及び発送作業を承りました。
Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium "Civilization and the Horizon of the International Economy - In Response to the G20 Osaka Summit -" Poster/flyer printing and shipping work.
Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium "Civilization and the Horizon of the International Economy - In Response to the G20 Osaka Summit -" Poster/flyer printing and shipping work.
2019年版HP更新 Updating the Website
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
We updated the website of the Industry - Academia Collaboration Project -"MEET" proceeded by Osaka University.
2019年6月12日~14日に Dubrovnik, Croatia にて開催の City Logistics Ⅺ (The 11th International Conference on City Logistics)で配布されます USBメモリー論文集を作成致しました。
We have created a collection of USB memory sticks that will be distributed at City Logistics Ⅺ (The 11th International Conference on City Logistics) held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 12th to 14th, 2019.
We engrave the name on the USB memory and edit the data (creation of table of contents, linking of table of contents with each paper, creation of author index).
We have created a collection of USB memory sticks that will be distributed at City Logistics Ⅺ (The 11th International Conference on City Logistics) held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 12th to 14th, 2019.
We engrave the name on the USB memory and edit the data (creation of table of contents, linking of table of contents with each paper, creation of author index).
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