On July 16th (Sat) and 17th (Sun), 2016, I was in charge of reception work at the following seminar held at the Nipro training facility in front of Minami Kusatsu Station.

On July 16th (Sat) and 17th (Sun), 2016, I was in charge of reception work at the following seminar held at the Nipro training facility in front of Minami Kusatsu Station.

On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 11th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University: The 11th Public Lecture was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
We handled poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer shipping, website/participation registration form creation, and registrant management.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│講演会│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
2013年2月1日より一般社団法人 米国内科学会(ACP)日本支部の事務局業務を担当いたしました。
Since February 1, 2013, we have been in charge of the secretariat of the American College of Internal Medicine (ACP) Japan Chapter.
With more than 1,000 Japanese chapter members, it is a medical society that has continued in the United States for more than a century, and boasts more than 140,000 members worldwide.
Main outsourced work includes academic annual meeting support, new membership application, member membership management, FACP applicant response, reporting to US headquarters, inquiry response, website management (update and access report submission), mailing list creation ・Management, business support for incorporation, creation of printed materials for public relations, and other operations. The secretariat moved to Tokyo in July 2016, and the contract period ended on June 30, 2016.
Since February 1, 2013, we have been in charge of the secretariat of the American College of Internal Medicine (ACP) Japan Chapter.
With more than 1,000 Japanese chapter members, it is a medical society that has continued in the United States for more than a century, and boasts more than 140,000 members worldwide.
Main outsourced work includes academic annual meeting support, new membership application, member membership management, FACP applicant response, reporting to US headquarters, inquiry response, website management (update and access report submission), mailing list creation ・Management, business support for incorporation, creation of printed materials for public relations, and other operations. The secretariat moved to Tokyo in July 2016, and the contract period ended on June 30, 2016.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│学会│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営