Pocket development diagram

I received a reprint of the front cover.
16-page color saddle stitching with A4 pocket (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)

Pocket development diagram

I received a reprint of the front cover.
16-page color saddle stitching with A4 pocket (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)

・シーズ冊子 A4サイズ72頁カラー無線綴じ(データ作成・編集・デザイン・印刷、日英翻訳)
・表紙カバー A4変形ポケット付き16頁カラー中綴じ(データ作成・編集・デザイン・印刷、日英翻訳)
I received the production of the following printed matter.
・Creation of A3 price list (data creation = design, operation, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・A4 pamphlet (data creation = design/operation, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・ Seeds booklet A4 size 72 pages color perfect binding (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・Cover cover: 16-page color saddle stitching with A4 deformed pocket (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)

・シーズ冊子 A4サイズ72頁カラー無線綴じ(データ作成・編集・デザイン・印刷、日英翻訳)
・表紙カバー A4変形ポケット付き16頁カラー中綴じ(データ作成・編集・デザイン・印刷、日英翻訳)
I received the production of the following printed matter.
・Creation of A3 price list (data creation = design, operation, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・A4 pamphlet (data creation = design/operation, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・ Seeds booklet A4 size 72 pages color perfect binding (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)
・Cover cover: 16-page color saddle stitching with A4 deformed pocket (data creation, editing, design, printing, Japanese-English translation)

A0ポスター データ作成
革新的医療技術創出拠点プロジェクト AOポスター データ作成・印刷を承りました。
Innovative medical technology creation base project AO poster We received data creation and printing.
Innovative medical technology creation base project AO poster We received data creation and printing.
招聘航空券・連絡調整 及び インドネシア語通訳
KYOTO iUP SMAN 8 & SMAN 78 インドネシア及びフィリピンの高等学校校長先生ご一行様の招聘、インドネシア通訳を担当させていただきました。
For the KYOTO iUP SMAN 8 & SMAN 78, we invited high school principals from Indonesia and the Philippines and took charge of Indonesian interpretation.

For the KYOTO iUP SMAN 8 & SMAN 78, we invited high school principals from Indonesia and the Philippines and took charge of Indonesian interpretation.

We were in charge of creating a poster for the Japan Fair Trade Commission Competition Policy Research Center (CPRC) Osaka International Symposium "Development of the Digital Economy and Competition Policy" to be held on March 30, 2018 (Friday) at the Osaka Bar Association. I was.

We were in charge of creating a poster for the Japan Fair Trade Commission Competition Policy Research Center (CPRC) Osaka International Symposium "Development of the Digital Economy and Competition Policy" to be held on March 30, 2018 (Friday) at the Osaka Bar Association. I was.

京都大学生態学研究センター シリーズ公開講演会 第9回
平成30年2月3日(土)に大学コンソーシアム京都 キャンパスプラザ京都で開催されました「京都大学生態学研究センター シリーズ公開講演会 第9回」のポスター制作を担当させていただきました。
On February 3, 2018 (Saturday), I was in charge of creating the poster for the "Kyoto University Ecological Research Center Series Public Lecture Series 9th" held at the University Consortium Kyoto Campus Plaza Kyoto.

On February 3, 2018 (Saturday), I was in charge of creating the poster for the "Kyoto University Ecological Research Center Series Public Lecture Series 9th" held at the University Consortium Kyoto Campus Plaza Kyoto.

京都大学経済研究所 シンポジウムシリーズⅡ:豊かさを育むエビデンスベース社会の実現に向けて 第7回「明るい社会の未来像」 A2ポスター・A4チラシ印刷及び発送作業を承りました。
Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Toward the Realization of an Evidence-Based Society that Fosters Abundance 7th "Future Image of a Brighter Society" We accepted the printing and shipping work of A2 posters and A4 flyers.

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Toward the Realization of an Evidence-Based Society that Fosters Abundance 7th "Future Image of a Brighter Society" We accepted the printing and shipping work of A2 posters and A4 flyers.