March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.

March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 09:10│Comments(0)
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