日本通訳翻訳学会にて、WEB会議システム(REMO, ZOOM)の一部サポートを行いました。
The Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation provided some support for the WEB conference system (REMO, ZOOM).
The Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation provided some support for the WEB conference system (REMO, ZOOM).
地球研オープンハウス開催用 ウォーターサーバー短期レンタルを承りました。
We accept short-term rental of a water server for holding the Earth Research Institute Open House.
We accept short-term rental of a water server for holding the Earth Research Institute Open House.
On July 20, 2021, we provided support for holding an online seminar.
We oversaw/provided the notebook PCs (for hosts / for distribution / for title slides / for speaker announcement slides / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video and audio equipment such as switchers, operators, audio operators, English directors, video recording, etc.
On July 20, 2021, we provided support for holding an online seminar.
We oversaw/provided the notebook PCs (for hosts / for distribution / for title slides / for speaker announcement slides / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video and audio equipment such as switchers, operators, audio operators, English directors, video recording, etc.
At the online conference held from June 19th to 20th, 2021, we provided support services with joint host authority. (Participant entrance management, participant trouble handling, etc.)
At the online conference held from June 19th to 20th, 2021, we provided support services with joint host authority. (Participant entrance management, participant trouble handling, etc.)
2大学共催 オンラインシンポジウム開催支援
On March 27, 2021, we supported an online two-university co-sponsored philosophy symposium.
Our company, 3 notebooks P (for host / distribution / for viewer screen confirmation / for sound), various video / sound equipment, operator, sound operator, account acquisition / setting, participation registration form, questionnaire creation, registrant management, We was in charge of video recording and editing work, etc.
On March 27, 2021, we supported an online two-university co-sponsored philosophy symposium.
Our company, 3 notebooks P (for host / distribution / for viewer screen confirmation / for sound), various video / sound equipment, operator, sound operator, account acquisition / setting, participation registration form, questionnaire creation, registrant management, We was in charge of video recording and editing work, etc.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営│動画収録・編集
On March 22, 2021, we supported an online seminar.
Our company provided, 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / for title slide / for speaker announcement slide / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operator, audio operator, English director, remote simultaneous interpretation, we also oversaw video recording and editing work.
On March 22, 2021, we supported an online seminar.
Our company provided, 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / for title slide / for speaker announcement slide / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operator, audio operator, English director, remote simultaneous interpretation, we also oversaw video recording and editing work.
The online workshop co-sponsored by the National University of Singapore, held from March 14th to 15th, has been successfully completed.
Our company prepared a progress chart (English) for each session and created a title slide.
Also, on the day of the work, we worked remotely using the English staff (Zoom host operator, Zoom co-host staff, progress / timekeeper) and 5 notebook PCs.
The online workshop co-sponsored by the National University of Singapore, held from March 14th to 15th, has been successfully completed.
Our company prepared a progress chart (English) for each session and created a title slide.
Also, on the day of the work, we worked remotely using the English staff (Zoom host operator, Zoom co-host staff, progress / timekeeper) and 5 notebook PCs.
Online symposium. We supported by holding online poster sessions.
Online symposium. We supported by holding online poster sessions.
We supported online seminars. We provided and oversaw 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / title slide / speaker announcement slide / viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operators, audio operators, and video recording.
We supported online seminars. We provided and oversaw 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / title slide / speaker announcement slide / viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operators, audio operators, and video recording.
An online international symposium connecting the United States, Switzerland, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Japan was held from 20:00 on March 3, 2021. Our company privided, 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / for title slide / for speaker announcement slide / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operator, audio operator, English director, remote simultaneous interpretation, We also oversaw video recording and editing work
An online international symposium connecting the United States, Switzerland, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Japan was held from 20:00 on March 3, 2021. Our company privided, 5 notebook PCs (for host / distribution / for title slide / for speaker announcement slide / for viewer screen confirmation), a set of various video / audio equipment such as switchers, operator, audio operator, English director, remote simultaneous interpretation, We also oversaw video recording and editing work
We oversaw various support operations at the online exchange seminar with the University of Freiburg.
We provided 4 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation); other audiovisual equipment set
Operator (Zoom host, co-host support), English-speaking director
Zoom account proxy acquisition / setting, etc.
We oversaw various support operations at the online exchange seminar with the University of Freiburg.
We provided 4 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation); other audiovisual equipment set
Operator (Zoom host, co-host support), English-speaking director
Zoom account proxy acquisition / setting, etc.
シカゴの Northwestern University と立命館大学を結んでのオンライン講演会。
An online lecture connecting Northwestern University in Chicago and Ritsumeikan University.
Our company provided, 5 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation), 2 PCs for YouTube distribution (for distribution / viewing), HDD recorder / mixer for video recording, converter for YouTube distribution Various equipment set such as
Technical staff such as operators (Zoom host, joint host support), distribution management staff, etc.
We oversaw acquisition / setting of Zoom account proxy, English transcription / subtitle creation, video recording / editing work, etc.
An online lecture connecting Northwestern University in Chicago and Ritsumeikan University.
Our company provided, 5 PCs for Zoom (for moderator / host / joint host / screen sharing / viewer confirmation), 2 PCs for YouTube distribution (for distribution / viewing), HDD recorder / mixer for video recording, converter for YouTube distribution Various equipment set such as
Technical staff such as operators (Zoom host, joint host support), distribution management staff, etc.
We oversaw acquisition / setting of Zoom account proxy, English transcription / subtitle creation, video recording / editing work, etc.
At the online conference held on February 20, 2021, we provided support services with joint host authority. (Participant entrance management, participant trouble handling, video recording, etc.)
At the online conference held on February 20, 2021, we provided support services with joint host authority. (Participant entrance management, participant trouble handling, video recording, etc.)
We provided broadcast support services at the online course held from February 18th to 19th, 2021.
- Notebook PC (for host / joint host / viewer view), wire rods and peripherals, equipment loading / unloading / installation adjustment
- Operator
- Zoom webinar setting draft, connection test, progress schedule draft and title slide creation
We provided broadcast support services at the online course held from February 18th to 19th, 2021.
- Notebook PC (for host / joint host / viewer view), wire rods and peripherals, equipment loading / unloading / installation adjustment
- Operator
- Zoom webinar setting draft, connection test, progress schedule draft and title slide creation
We provided support for the online international conference (hybrid) held at the Kyoto University Clock Tower Memorial Hall from February 17th to 18th, 2021.
- Audio equipment Mixer, interface, microphone, PC (host, viewer view, performer), switching hub, headset, wire / peripheral equipment wiring, power supply, cable, etc., setup / removal, transportation
- Operator (Zoom host, sound, maintenance, English-speaking staff
- Account acquisition agency, invitation email sending, pre-connection test contact adjustment
The venue, which normally has a capacity of 100 people. Had about 20 people joined in person, with a podium and chair seats set up for the participants.
We provided support for the online international conference (hybrid) held at the Kyoto University Clock Tower Memorial Hall from February 17th to 18th, 2021.
- Audio equipment Mixer, interface, microphone, PC (host, viewer view, performer), switching hub, headset, wire / peripheral equipment wiring, power supply, cable, etc., setup / removal, transportation
- Operator (Zoom host, sound, maintenance, English-speaking staff
- Account acquisition agency, invitation email sending, pre-connection test contact adjustment
The venue, which normally has a capacity of 100 people. Had about 20 people joined in person, with a podium and chair seats set up for the participants.
Zoom オペレーター派遣
パーキンソン病診療セミナーにてZoom オペレーター派遣を承りました。
We provided Zoom operator dispatch at the Parkinson's disease medical treatment seminar.
We provided Zoom operator dispatch at the Parkinson's disease medical treatment seminar.
ESG、SDGs ウェビナーのサポート
東京日本橋を基地局にWebinarが開催されました。弊社では当日のオンライン配信・映像・音響に加え、リモート通訳 及び 動画記録・公開を担当させていただきました。
Webinar was held at Tokyo Nihonbashi as a base location. In addition to online distribution, video and audio on the day, we oversaw the remote interpretation and video recording / publishing.
Webinar was held at Tokyo Nihonbashi as a base location. In addition to online distribution, video and audio on the day, we oversaw the remote interpretation and video recording / publishing.
Zoom オペレーター派遣 及び ポケットWiFi レンタル
認知症診療を考える会 にてZOOM オペレーター派遣及びポケットWiFi レンタルを承りました。
We provided ZOOM operator dispatch and pocket WiFi rental at the dementia medical treatment meeting
We provided ZOOM operator dispatch and pocket WiFi rental at the dementia medical treatment meeting
The 4th Certified Regenerative Medicine Committee Education and Workshop was held online only in a hurry due to the issuance of a state of emergency.
In addition to providing support on the day of the event, we also handle printing and binding of materials, printing and sending of certificate of completion, video editing, transcription, list editing, etc.
The 4th Certified Regenerative Medicine Committee Education and Workshop was held online only in a hurry due to the issuance of a state of emergency.
In addition to providing support on the day of the event, we also handle printing and binding of materials, printing and sending of certificate of completion, video editing, transcription, list editing, etc.
We have provided the following operations.
・ Webinar URL notification to participants
・ Personnel on the day (question response work at Zoom, other assistants)
・ Distribution video recording and editing work
We have provided the following operations.
・ Webinar URL notification to participants
・ Personnel on the day (question response work at Zoom, other assistants)
・ Distribution video recording and editing work
オンラインシンポジウム無事終了しました / Online Symposium Finished Successfully
The symposium, which lasted two days starting 10 December 2020, finished successfully. The online and in-person hybrid symposium scheduled to be held in Matsuyama was changed to an all-online symposium based in Tokyo. Our work included introducing the online poster session system to presenters and attendees, creating the official homepage from text, including creating CSV files (templates) and manually adjusting templates, in addition to uploading presentation videos and materials, and other management and support activities.
The symposium, which lasted two days starting 10 December 2020, finished successfully. The online and in-person hybrid symposium scheduled to be held in Matsuyama was changed to an all-online symposium based in Tokyo. Our work included introducing the online poster session system to presenters and attendees, creating the official homepage from text, including creating CSV files (templates) and manually adjusting templates, in addition to uploading presentation videos and materials, and other management and support activities.
オンライン公開シンポジウム終了しました / Online Public Symposium
The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.
The online public symposium on November 28, 2020, has been successfully delivered.
Our work includes website publicity, registration services, conducting questionnaires, progression script drafting, staff sourcing, equipment & materials procurement, and documentation.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │デザイン(ポスター・ロゴ他)、データ編集、DTP、撮影│Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)/ Intl. Symposium Web Design
国際シンポジウム オンライン開催支援業務(Webサイト作成)
2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.
2020年11月4日~6日に、神戸で開催されました 国際 Symposium のWebサイト構築を承りました。
Online International Symposium Administrative Support (Website Creation)
We created a website for an international symposium held in Kobe on November 4 through 6, 2020.
It is comprised of login pages, restricted access videos, and message board pages.
Although the symposium was online, it was very well-attended, with 450 participants.
オンラインシンポジウムのサポート / Online Symposium Support
We provided support for an online symposium over two days, from November 14th to the 15th.
We provided support for an online symposium over two days, from November 14th to the 15th.
WEBサイト 及び 登録フォーム作成 / Created Website and Registration Form
京都大学経済研究所 シンポジウム 「持続可能な社会のための政策デザイン~気候変動政策とエネルギー転換~」 のWEBサイト及び登録フォームを作成致しました。
We created a website and registration form for a symposium on "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society—Climate Change Policy and Energy Transformation" hosted by the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research at Kyoto University.
We created a website and registration form for a symposium on "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society—Climate Change Policy and Energy Transformation" hosted by the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research at Kyoto University.
Zoomオペレーション業務のサポート / Zoom Operation Support
不眠症診療 Up-To-Date オンライン会議
Insomnia Treatment Up-to-Date Online Conference:
We will be supporting Zoom operations.
Insomnia Treatment Up-to-Date Online Conference:
We will be supporting Zoom operations.
国際会議:配信動画収録・編集・WEBサイトへの公開作業 / Intl. Conf. Support
2020年9月16日~20日迄開催の国際会議にて、Welcome / Opening Ceremony 及び Special Webinars 4セッションの配信動画収録・編集・国際会議WEBサイトへの公開アシストを承りました。
Will assist with international conference, held September 16th to 20th, 2020, including recording the broadcasts for welcome/opening ceremony and 4 special webinar sessions and editing videos for international conference website.
Will assist with international conference, held September 16th to 20th, 2020, including recording the broadcasts for welcome/opening ceremony and 4 special webinar sessions and editing videos for international conference website.
国際会議支援業務 / International Conference Support
4日間に亘る Webinar 開催の支援業務(講演・報告収録動画の編集、各国パネリスト用進行台本作成・注意事項作成、タイトルスライド作成、当日音響映像技術サポート、スタッフ派遣、及び Webinar動画の収録・編集 及び Youtube配信の準備業務等を承りました。アメリカ、イギリス、イラン、オランダ、カンボジア、ケニヤ、ドイツ、ベトナム、日本などを結び活発な議論が行われ、深夜までの開催となりました。
Support operations for four-day webinar: Editing lecture/report videos, creating run-sheets and precaution checklists for each panelist, title slides, onsite audiovisual equipment support, staffing, webinar video recording, and preparation for Youtube streaming. The webinar will feature lively discussions between panelists from America, the UK, Iran, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Kenya, Germany, Vietnam, Japan, and more and will be held late into the night.
Support operations for four-day webinar: Editing lecture/report videos, creating run-sheets and precaution checklists for each panelist, title slides, onsite audiovisual equipment support, staffing, webinar video recording, and preparation for Youtube streaming. The webinar will feature lively discussions between panelists from America, the UK, Iran, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Kenya, Germany, Vietnam, Japan, and more and will be held late into the night.
March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.
March 1, 2020 (Sunday) Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium: "Policy Design for a Sustainable Society -Climate Change Policy and Energy Transition-" was canceled due to the impact of the new coronavirus, but we received secretariat work such as promotion for registered mailing list people, creation of website / WEB application form, application list management, notification of cancellation to registered people.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at
│事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣 │Webサイト・各種登録フォーム作成│国際会議・研修会等(オンライン開催)準備・運営
WINTER PROGRAM 2020 諸業務を承りました。
We accepted various tasks for the WINTER PROGRAM 2020
We handled the communication and coordination with the invited guests, arrangement of air tickets for the invitation, accommodation, airport shuttle arrangements, and charter bus arrangements.
We accepted various tasks for the WINTER PROGRAM 2020
We handled the communication and coordination with the invited guests, arrangement of air tickets for the invitation, accommodation, airport shuttle arrangements, and charter bus arrangements.