国際会議:配信動画収録・編集・WEBサイトへの公開作業 / Intl. Conf. Support
2020年9月16日~20日迄開催の国際会議にて、Welcome / Opening Ceremony 及び Special Webinars 4セッションの配信動画収録・編集・国際会議WEBサイトへの公開アシストを承りました。
Will assist with international conference, held September 16th to 20th, 2020, including recording the broadcasts for welcome/opening ceremony and 4 special webinar sessions and editing videos for international conference website.
Will assist with international conference, held September 16th to 20th, 2020, including recording the broadcasts for welcome/opening ceremony and 4 special webinar sessions and editing videos for international conference website.
Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 16:19│Comments(0)