"How do living organisms treat damaged DNA? - Mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body -"
"How do living organisms treat damaged DNA? - Mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body -"

【開催日時】 平成23年9月17日(土)13:45~15:45 (13:20開場)
[Date and time] Saturday, September 17, 2011, 13:45-15:45 (doors open at 13:20)
【会場】 京都大学 東京オフィス 品川インターシティA棟27階
[Venue] Kyoto University Tokyo Office Shinagawa Intercity Building A 27th Floor
我々の身体を構成している細胞には、遺伝情報の源であるDNA が存在していますが、このDNAは、放射線や紫外線などの様々な外的要因によって傷つけられます。しかし、我々の身体には、こういったDNAの傷を見事に修復するシステムが兼ね備わっています。今回の市民講座では、DNA修復研究の専門家の先生お二人に、我々の身体を守るDNA修復のシステムが、いかに巧妙に制御され、身体を守っているのかについてお話して頂きます。
田中 亀代次 先生(大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 教授)
河野 隆志 先生(国立がん研究センター研究所 ゲノム生物学分野 分野長)
【参加方法】 事前登録制(定員100名・先着順)
【主催】 文部科学省新学術領域研究
(領域代表者:学習院大学・理学部・花岡文雄 http://www.dnarepair.jp/)
DNA, which is the source of genetic information, exists in the cells that make up our bodies, but this DNA is damaged by various external factors such as radiation and ultraviolet rays. However, our bodies are also equipped with a system that repairs these DNA damages admirably. In this public lecture, two experts in DNA repair research will talk about how the DNA repair system that protects our bodies is ingeniously controlled and protects our bodies.
Professor Kameyoji Tanaka (Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University)
"Mechanism of repairing DNA damage caused by sunlight and its abnormal diseases"
Professor Takashi Kono (National Cancer Center Research Institute, Department of Genome Biology, Head)
“Mechanisms of DNA repair affecting carcinogenesis and cancer therapy”
[Participation method] Pre-registration system (capacity 100 people, first-come-first-served basis)
Please apply by e-mail or fax to the contact below.
*Please enter your name, address, phone number, and occupation with the title as "Citizen Lecture Participation". Personal information such as names and addresses will not be provided to third parties.
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Research Center
Email: matsuura@house.rbc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Phone: 075-753-7556
Fax: 075-753-7564
[Organizer] Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
“Coupling of Genome Replication, Repair, and Transcription and Universal Mechanism of Chromatin Structural Conversion”
(Area representative: Gakushuin University, Faculty of Science, Fumio Hanaoka http://www.dnarepair.jp/)
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