The Evolving World of Life - From Biomacromolecules to Biodiversity
From brain-nervous system to human society
The Evolving World of Life - From Biomacromolecules to Biodiversity
From brain-nervous system to human society

◎日時: 2011年7月31日(日)13:00-17:00
◎場所: 京都大学本部構内 百年周年時計台記念館1Fホール
◎オーガナイザー: 嶋田正和(東大・院総)・長谷部光泰(基生研)
長谷部 光泰(自然科学研究機構基礎生物学研究所教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
山岸 明彦 (東京薬科大学・教授)
加藤 茂明 (東京大学・分子細胞生物学研究所・教授)
清水 健太郎(チューリッヒ大学・植物生物学研究院)
伊藤 元己(東京大学・大学院総合文化研究科・教授)
岡ノ谷 一夫(東京大学大学院教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
「種分化の分子基盤: ヴィクトリア湖の魚たち」
岡田 典弘 (東京工業大学・生命理工学部・教授)
「おわりに-進化学の最前線と進化教育の新しい展開: 新学習指導要領への高大連携」
嶋田 正和(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授、日本学術会議連携会員)
Public Lecture "The Evolving World of Life - From Biopolymers to Biodiversity, Brain-Nervous System to Human Society" will be held. This public lecture will explore the dynamic evolution of organisms inhabiting the earth, from mutations in DNA and proteins, to physiological phenotypic plasticity and epigenetics in unicellular and multicellular organisms and biodiversity. Exploring a new understanding of biological evolution and conveying the fun of the forefront of evolution to younger generations by looking at a wide range of subjects, from learning behavior governed by the brain and nervous system of animals to the evolution of human language. The purpose is
In addition, the theme that partially corresponds to the high school biology of the new curriculum guidelines that will be implemented from 2012 will be developed from a new angle, making it a project that contributes to evolutionary education.
This is a public lecture for high school students and members of the general public, so we welcome many interested people to attend.
◎Date: July 31, 2011 (Sun) 13:00-17:00
◎Venue: Kyoto University Headquarters, 100th Anniversary Clock Tower Memorial Hall 1F Hall
◎Organizers: Masakazu Shimada (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School), Mitsuyasu Hasebe (NIBB)
"Introduction - The Interest of Modern Evolutionary Biology"
Mitsuyasu Hasebe (Professor, National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Affiliate member of the Science Council of Japan)
"Evolution of archaea in harsh environments"
Akihiko Yamagishi (Professor, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)
"Mechanism of epigenetics that changes phenotype"
Shigeaki Kato (The University of Tokyo, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Professor)
"Adaptive evolution of plants"
Kentaro Shimizu (Faculty of Plant Biology, University of Zurich)
"Topic of bioinformatics and biodiversity"
Motoki Ito (University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Professor)
"Learning Bird Songs in the Brain-Nervous System, and Human Language Evolution"
Kazuo Okanoya (Professor, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, Affiliate Member of the Science Council of Japan)
"Molecular Basis of Speciation: Fish of Lake Victoria"
Norihiro Okada (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Professor)
“Concluding Remarks - The Front Line of Evolutionary Science and New Developments in Evolutionary Education: High School-University Collaboration for the New Curriculum Standards”
Masakazu Shimada (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Affiliated Member of the Science Council of Japan)
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