総合地球環境学研究所 国際シンポジウム
On March 1, 2012, an urgent international symposium on "Increasing Flood Risk in Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Food and Health" was held at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. CS Center is responsible for inviting invited speakers from overseas (arrangement of air tickets and transportation), poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer enclosing and sending work, program book design/editing/printing, paper book design/editing/printing, I was in charge of creating and setting up the hanging signboards and theme pages.

On March 1, 2012, an urgent international symposium on "Increasing Flood Risk in Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Food and Health" was held at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. CS Center is responsible for inviting invited speakers from overseas (arrangement of air tickets and transportation), poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer enclosing and sending work, program book design/editing/printing, paper book design/editing/printing, I was in charge of creating and setting up the hanging signboards and theme pages.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 20:23│Comments(0)
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