京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズⅡ:豊かさを育むエビデンスベース社会の実現に向けて 第7回「明るい社会の未来像」が、2018年3月10日(土)に、京都大学百周年時計台記念館大ホールにて開催されました。
Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Toward the realization of an evidence-based society that nurtures affluence The 7th "Future Image of a Bright Society" will be held on March 10, 2018 (Saturday) at the Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower. It was held in the Memorial Hall.
At our company we were in charge of poster/flyer printing, CAPS leaflet printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agent, registration reception/management, inquiry response, progress script/time schedule creation, questionnaire tallying, printing of materials handed out on the day Setting/carrying in, front curtains, writing utensils for panel discussion, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, video recording for recording, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signage, tape transcription, and lunch arrangements.

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series II: Toward the realization of an evidence-based society that nurtures affluence The 7th "Future Image of a Bright Society" will be held on March 10, 2018 (Saturday) at the Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower. It was held in the Memorial Hall.
At our company we were in charge of poster/flyer printing, CAPS leaflet printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agent, registration reception/management, inquiry response, progress script/time schedule creation, questionnaire tallying, printing of materials handed out on the day Setting/carrying in, front curtains, writing utensils for panel discussion, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, video recording for recording, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signage, tape transcription, and lunch arrangements.

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