12th China Korea Japan Seminar
2017年12月18日(月)~20日(水)迄、京都大学宇治キャンパスにて、12th China Korea Japan Seminar が開催されました。
The 12th China Korea Japan Seminar was held from December 18th (Monday) to 20th (Wednesday), 2017 at the Uji Campus of Kyoto University.
At the CS Center, we provide abstract book printing, online registration/payment forms, a set of abstract participation registration management tasks (participation registration reception/management/inquiries and card payments/payment management), reception staff on the day, excursion tours (Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Hall, I was in charge of the Kitayama Cedar Village and Nakagawa Town Tour).

The 12th China Korea Japan Seminar was held from December 18th (Monday) to 20th (Wednesday), 2017 at the Uji Campus of Kyoto University.
At the CS Center, we provide abstract book printing, online registration/payment forms, a set of abstract participation registration management tasks (participation registration reception/management/inquiries and card payments/payment management), reception staff on the day, excursion tours (Gekkeikan Okura Memorial Hall, I was in charge of the Kitayama Cedar Village and Nakagawa Town Tour).

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 18:18│Comments(0)
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