Cheiron School 2014
2014年9月23日(火)~10月2日(木)まで、SPring-8 にて Cheiron School 2014 が開催されました。CSセンターでは、外国人講師・生徒の招聘(旅行アレンジ及び連絡調整)、諸経費立替を担当させて戴きました。
Cheiron School 2014 was held at SPring-8 from Tuesday, September 23 to Thursday, October 2, 2014.We were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.
Cheiron School 2014 was held at SPring-8 from Tuesday, September 23 to Thursday, October 2, 2014.We were in charge of inviting foreign instructors and students (arranging trips and liaison) and reimbursing expenses.