平成25年5月25日(土)- 5月26日(日)京都大学百周年時計台記念館にて、米国内科学会(ACP)日本支部年次総会2013 が開催されました。
The American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2013 was held from May 25th (Sat) to May 26th (Sun), 2013 at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
At CS Center, we will create a website and registration form for the general meeting, make card payments, print posters and send them out, various clerical work, pay for expenses, request speakers and chairpersons, request abstract writing, remind, edit, tally questionnaires, manage bank accounts, and report accounting. , reimbursement for various expenses, domestic travel arrangements for invited speakers, management of pre-registrants, abstract book cover design/printing and binding, questionnaire printing, commendation certificate creation (design/printing), crystal shield creation, poster award preparation, name tag creation, certificate creation , Commemorative gift creation (original book cover), reception/venue/preparation staff, video/audio operator, PC rental, hospital booth recruitment/venue setup, poster venue setup, lunch box/water server arrangement, consumables/office supplies preparation, I was in charge of loading and unloading luggage, reimbursement of paid session fees, honorariums for performers, reimbursement for travel expenses, and many other tasks.

The American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2013 was held from May 25th (Sat) to May 26th (Sun), 2013 at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
At CS Center, we will create a website and registration form for the general meeting, make card payments, print posters and send them out, various clerical work, pay for expenses, request speakers and chairpersons, request abstract writing, remind, edit, tally questionnaires, manage bank accounts, and report accounting. , reimbursement for various expenses, domestic travel arrangements for invited speakers, management of pre-registrants, abstract book cover design/printing and binding, questionnaire printing, commendation certificate creation (design/printing), crystal shield creation, poster award preparation, name tag creation, certificate creation , Commemorative gift creation (original book cover), reception/venue/preparation staff, video/audio operator, PC rental, hospital booth recruitment/venue setup, poster venue setup, lunch box/water server arrangement, consumables/office supplies preparation, I was in charge of loading and unloading luggage, reimbursement of paid session fees, honorariums for performers, reimbursement for travel expenses, and many other tasks.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 10:15│Comments(0)
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