うちわ 作成
7月26日より開催されますSMBE 2011の うちわ を作成致しました。
今年は節電の影響で通常の骨のある うちわ が品切れとなり、全て厚紙で作られた”紙エコうちわ”1,000枚を作成しました。
I made fan for SMBE 2011 which will be held from July 26th.
This year, due to the power saving, his usual ribbed fans were out of stock, so he made 1,000 "Paper Eco Fans" made entirely of cardboard.

今年は節電の影響で通常の骨のある うちわ が品切れとなり、全て厚紙で作られた”紙エコうちわ”1,000枚を作成しました。
I made fan for SMBE 2011 which will be held from July 26th.
This year, due to the power saving, his usual ribbed fans were out of stock, so he made 1,000 "Paper Eco Fans" made entirely of cardboard.
