SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference
7月26日(火)~30日(土)までの国際分子進化学会 SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference が京都大学百周年記念時計台、芝蘭会館、みやこめっせ にて始まりました。CSセンターでは、3会場前の立て看板(3×6)、各種誘導版、ポスター会場設営、企業展示小間設営、社名版、コピー機・カラープリンター・トランシーバーレンタル、うちわ作成等を承りました。
From July 26th (Tuesday) to 30th (Saturday), the SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference of the International Society for Molecular Evolution began at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower, Shiran Kaikan, and Miyako Messe. At CS Center, we received orders for billboards (3 x 6) in front of the three venues, various guidance boards, poster venue construction, corporate exhibition booth construction, company name boards, copier/color printer/transceiver rental, fan creation, etc.
From July 26th (Tuesday) to 30th (Saturday), the SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference of the International Society for Molecular Evolution began at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower, Shiran Kaikan, and Miyako Messe. At CS Center, we received orders for billboards (3 x 6) in front of the three venues, various guidance boards, poster venue construction, corporate exhibition booth construction, company name boards, copier/color printer/transceiver rental, fan creation, etc.