2011年5月25日(水)~27日(金)に、京都市勧業館みやこめっせ 特別展示場で開催されました「先輩京大生がオススメする京大キャリア研究フォーラム」のイベントブース設営を担当させて戴きました。
From May 25th (Wednesday) to 27th (Friday), 2011, We were in charge of setting up the event booth for the "Kyoto University Career Research Forum Recommended by Senior Kyoto University Students" held at the Kyoto City Kangyokan Miyako Messe Special Exhibition Hall.

From May 25th (Wednesday) to 27th (Friday), 2011, We were in charge of setting up the event booth for the "Kyoto University Career Research Forum Recommended by Senior Kyoto University Students" held at the Kyoto City Kangyokan Miyako Messe Special Exhibition Hall.
