PCRC 3rd International Symposium
2017年12月7日(木)~9日(土)迄、PCRC 3rd International Symposium が神戸大学にて開催されました。CSセンターでは、WEBサイト・登録フォーム、ネームカード・プレート、ポスター、プログラム集の作成を担当させていただきました。
PCRC 3rd International Symposium was held at Kobe University from Thursday, December 7th to Saturday, December 9th, 2017. At the CS Center, I was in charge of creating the website/registration form, name cards/plates, posters, and program collection.

PCRC 3rd International Symposium was held at Kobe University from Thursday, December 7th to Saturday, December 9th, 2017. At the CS Center, I was in charge of creating the website/registration form, name cards/plates, posters, and program collection.

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 19:22│Comments(0)