CiRA国際シンポジウム2023シン・CiRA ~The voyage of discovery by having new eyes~は京都大学百周年記念時計台記念ホールで開催されました。当社は、当社は、登壇者の旅行および宿泊手配、参加者の登録処理、ポスターと看板のデザインと印刷、ウェブサイト作成、登壇者の送迎手配、参加者への連絡、映像音響技術者および機材の手配、当日の受付サポートなどの諸業務を承りました。
At the CiRA 2023 International Symposium シン・CiRA ~The voyage of discovery by having new eyes~ held at Kyoto University’s Centennial Clock Tower Memorial Hall. Our company provided various services, including travel and accommodation arrangements for speakers, handling attendee registration, designed and printed poster and signboard, website creation, arranging transportation for speakers, contacting attendees, arrangement of audiovisual technicians and equipment, and day of reception support.

At the CiRA 2023 International Symposium シン・CiRA ~The voyage of discovery by having new eyes~ held at Kyoto University’s Centennial Clock Tower Memorial Hall. Our company provided various services, including travel and accommodation arrangements for speakers, handling attendee registration, designed and printed poster and signboard, website creation, arranging transportation for speakers, contacting attendees, arrangement of audiovisual technicians and equipment, and day of reception support.

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