第5回 極低温グループⅡ原子国際会議
2012年10月10日~12日に第5回 極低温グループⅡ原子国際会議が、情報通信研究機構の小金井本部で開催されました。CSセンターでは、ポスターデザイン・印刷 及び Abstract集印刷及び表紙デザイン、ポスター送付代行業務を承りました。
The 5th Cryogenic Group II International Conference on Atoms was held from October 10th to 12th, 2012 at the Koganei Headquarters of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. At CS Center, we received orders for poster design and printing, his abstract book printing, cover design, and poster delivery service.
The 5th Cryogenic Group II International Conference on Atoms was held from October 10th to 12th, 2012 at the Koganei Headquarters of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. At CS Center, we received orders for poster design and printing, his abstract book printing, cover design, and poster delivery service.