2011年9月17日(土)に 京都大学 東京オフィス(品川インターシティA棟27階)にて、市民講座「生き物は傷ついたDNAをどう扱うか?-身体を守るDNA修復の仕組み-」が開催されました。
On September 17, 2011 (Saturday), at Kyoto University's Tokyo office (Shinagawa Intercity Building A, 27th floor), a public lecture entitled "How do living things deal with damaged DNA? -The mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body-" was held.
CS Center has designed and printed A1, A3, and A4 posters.

On September 17, 2011 (Saturday), at Kyoto University's Tokyo office (Shinagawa Intercity Building A, 27th floor), a public lecture entitled "How do living things deal with damaged DNA? -The mechanism of DNA repair that protects the body-" was held.
CS Center has designed and printed A1, A3, and A4 posters.
