第6回 みんなのジュニア進化学
High school student poster presentation/reception and event information
High school student poster presentation/reception and event information

第13回日本進化学会・京都大会では、下記要領で、高校生のポスター発表「第6回 みんなのジュニア進化学」の受付及び開催を致します。
◎日時: 2011年7月31日(日)
9:00-12:00 ポスター発表
12:00-13:00 ポスター賞表彰 および 高校生・教員交流会
◎場所:京都大学本部構内 百年周年時計台記念館2F 国際交流ホール
◎ポスターサイズ:90cm x 210cm
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町
Tel: 075-753-4200, Fax: 075-753-4203
e-mail: agata(アットマーク)mdb.biophys.kyoto-u.ac.jp
At the 13th Annual Meeting of the Evolutionary Society of Japan in Kyoto, we will accept and hold poster presentations by high school students, "The 6th Junior Evolutionary Science for All," according to the following guidelines.
The aim of this project is to get high school students to give poster presentations and to develop an interest in research on biodiversity and evolution through interaction with experts and students in various fields related to evolution. Since living things are products of evolution, presentations on any field or topic are welcome as long as they are related to biodiversity, ecosystems, and fossils. Also, after the poster presentation and exchange seminar, there will be an open lecture for the general public (see below for details), so please join us.
Website of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Evolutionary Society
high school poster information page
The poster presentation will be co-sponsored by the Kyoto University Global COE Program "Forming a base for research on biological evolution and diversity: from genomes to ecosystems", and the public lecture will be hosted by the Science Council of Japan.
◎ Date: Sunday, July 31, 2011
9:00-12:00 Poster presentation
*Posters can be displayed from 17:00 on July 30)
12:00-13:00 Poster award presentation and exchange meeting for high school students and teachers
*Bring lunch, talk about digital teaching materials by Mr. Naoki Nanba of RIKEN CDB
◎Venue: Kyoto University Headquarters 100th Anniversary Clock Tower Memorial Hall 2F International Exchange Hall
(The award ceremony and networking event during the lunch break will also be held in Conference Room III on the 2nd floor.)
◎ Participation fee: Free. High school students and their accompanying teachers are exempted from paying the tournament participation fee.
◎Presentation format: The presenter(s) should stand in front of the poster between 9:00 and 12:00 and give a verbal explanation.
◎ Poster size: 90cm x 210cm
◎Participation application: Please fill in the following information and send an e-mail to Agata, the chairperson of the conference. Multiple presentations from the same high school are also welcome.
1. Presentation title
2,Presenter's name
3.Presenter/affiliated high school/grade
4. Representative contact information (address, telephone, fax number, e-mail address)
5. Name and contact information of the teacher in charge (telephone, fax number, e-mail address)
◎ Where to apply
Kiyokazu Agata
Oiwake-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Department of Biophysics, Laboratory of Molecular Embryology
Phone: 075-753-4200 Fax: 075-753-4203
e-mail: agata (at mark) mdb.biophys.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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