

第4回 「科学技術振興と豊かさのためのシステム形成」

京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズ:<明るく楽しい少子高齢化社会への道筋>第4回 「科学技術振興と豊かさのためのシステム形成」が、2014年4月19日(土)に、京都大学芝蘭会館本館山内ホールにて開催されました。

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series: The 4th "System Formation for Science and Technology Promotion and Prosperity" was held on Saturday, April 19, 2014 at Kyoto University. It was held at Shiran Kaikan Main Building Yamauchi Hall.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, time schedule/progress script/title background creation, I was in charge of standing signboards, hanging signboards, placards, writing utensils for panel discussions, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, venue signage, etc.