2011年9月11(日)、科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター研究開発成果実装支援プログラム「サハリン沖石油・天然ガス生産に備える市民協働による油汚染防除体制の構築」研究チーム(代表:立正大学後藤真太郎)主催による緊急シンポジウム! 「今だからこそみんなで考えよう日本の危機管理」が立正大学大崎キャンパス(東京都品川区大崎)で開催されます。
日時:2011年9月11日 9:00-17:00
〒360-0194 埼玉県熊谷市万吉1700
立正大学・地球環境科学部・環境システム学科 後藤研究室
E-mail: gotoken@ris.ac.jp
9:00 開会 午前の部 司会 植松一良 NRDAアジア
講演1、萩原貴浩 海上災害防止センター(MPD)
12:00 休憩
13:00 午後の部
講演3、バーバラ・キャランハン 国際鳥類救護研究センター(IBRRC)
講演4、今木洋大 米国海洋大気庁
講演5、山崎誠 衆議院議員
15:30 休憩
15:45 パネルディスカッション
座長 後藤真太郎 立正大学
17:00 閉会
September 11, 2011 (Sunday), Japan Science and Technology Agency, Research and Development Center for Social Science and Technology, Research and Development Results Implementation Support Program "Construction of Oil Pollution Prevention System through Citizen Cooperation in Preparation for Offshore Sakhalin Oil and Natural Gas Production" Research Team (Representative: An emergency symposium hosted by Rissho University Shintaro Goto! "Let's all think about Japan's crisis management now" will be held at Rissho University Osaki Campus (Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo).
Date: September 11, 2011 9:00-17:00
Place: Rissho University Osaki Campus (Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo)
Sponsored by: Research and Development Results Implementation Support Program, Research and Development Center for Society, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Research Team "Building an Oil Pollution Prevention System through Citizen Cooperation in Preparation for Sakhalin Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Production"
(Representative: Shintaro Goto, Rissho University)
Co-organizers: NRDA Asia, Akishima Animal Hospital
Sponsors: U.S. Embassy, Rissho University Faculty of Global Environmental Sciences, Citizen Cabinet Disaster Relief Subcommittee to Create a New Public
1700 Mankichi, Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture 360-0194
Rissho University, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Department of Environmental Systems, Goto Laboratory
E-mail: gotoken@ris.ac.jp
Why is 911 the only emergency number in America?
-Actuality of “Emergency Command System” (ICS) that Japanese society needs-
9:00 Opening Morning Session Moderator Kazuyoshi Uematsu NRDA Asia
Guest greeting
Lecture 1, Takahiro Hagiwara Maritime Disaster Prevention Center (MPD)
The Frontline of Disaster Sites, Japan's Crisis Management and the Need for ICS -Incidents Occur in Meeting Rooms-
Lecture 2, Gordon Cleveland
National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management (USDA/APHIS)
Origin and Present of ICS -From the Standpoint of the Federal Government and Radiation Disaster Response-
12:00 break
13:00 afternoon session
Lecture 3, Barbara Callanhan International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC)
Activity experience in the Gulf of Mexico oil field accident and the role of NGO coordinator
- NGO management and volunteer coordination under ICS -
Lecture 4, Hirohiro Imaki National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Geo-platform supporting ICS
Lecture 5, Makoto Yamazaki Member of the House of Representatives
Japanese Government and Crisis Management - Japanese Crisis Management Policy and ICS -
15:30 break
15:45 Panel discussion
Chair Shintaro Goto Rissho University
Roadmap to the Japanese version of ICS
17:00 Closing