

 第3回 「理論と実証に基づく政策の確立に向けて 国際機関の現場から

京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズ:<明るく楽しい少子高齢化社会への道筋> 第3回 「理論と実証に基づく政策の確立に向けて 国際機関の現場から」が、2014年3月29日(土)に、キャンパスプラザ京都第3講義室にて開催されました。

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series: 3rd ``Toward the establishment of policies based on theory and empirical evidence from the field of international organizations'', March 29, 2014 (Saturday) ) was held at Campus Plaza Kyoto Lecture Room 3.
We were in charge of poster/flyer printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery, time schedule/progress script/title background creation , billboards, placards, writing utensils for panel discussions, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, signs in the venue, etc.



第2回 「政策研究のフロンティア 理論と実証に基づく政策の確立に向けて」

京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズ:<明るく楽しい少子高齢化社会への道筋>第2回 「政策研究のフロンティア 理論と実証に基づく政策の確立に向けて」が、2014年3月8日(土)に、京都大学百周年時計台記念館1階大ホールにて開催されました。

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series: 2nd "Frontier of Policy Research: Towards the establishment of policies based on theory and empirical evidence" March 8, 2014 (Saturday) It was held at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Memorial Hall on the 1st floor.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, time schedule/progress script/title background creation, I was in charge of signboards, placards, writing utensils for panel discussions, various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, signage in the venue, etc.



第1回 「豊かさを実現するための科学技術と経済運営 少子高齢化社会に直面する日本の挑戦」

京都大学経済研究所シンポジウムシリーズ:<明るく楽しい少子高齢化社会への道筋>第1回 「豊かさを実現するための科学技術と経済運営 少子高齢化社会に直面する日本の挑戦」が、2014年2月15日(土)京都大学時計台百周年記念ホールにて開催されました。

Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research Symposium Series: 1st "Science and Technology and Economic Management to Realize Prosperity: Japan's Challenges in the Face of an Aging Society with a Low Birthrate" was held in 2014. It was held on Saturday, February 15th at Kyoto University Clock Tower 100th Anniversary Hall.
At the CS Center, poster/flyer printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, handout printing/setting/delivery, time schedule/progress script/title background creation , billboards, placards, writing utensils for panel discussions, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, signs in the venue, etc.




2014年2月4日~5日に、International Conference "Replication, repair and transcription; coupling mechanisms and chromatin dynamics for genome integrity" が京都大学百周年時計台記念館にて開催されました。

The International Conference "Replication, repair and transcription; coupling mechanisms and chromatin dynamics for genome integrity" was held on February 4-5, 2014 at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
At the CS Center, we were in charge of poster/flyer design/printing, abstract collection editing/printing/cover design.



National Taiwan University - Kyoto University Symposium 2013

2013年12月19日~20日に、National Taiwan University にて "National Taiwan University - Kyoto University Symposium 2013" が開催されました。
CSセンターでは、京都大学教職員の方々の渡航期間確認及びそれに伴う事務手続き、旅費請求のための必要書類(領収書、使用済みエアーチケット半券など)の収集及び整理集約、CV・アブストラクト未提出の方への督促、教職員の方々への渡航に関する必要情報の提供・通知作業、フライト遅延・事故等急を要する連絡業務 の諸業務を承りました。

"National Taiwan University - Kyoto University Symposium 2013" was held from December 19th to 20th, 2013 at National Taiwan University.
We confirm the travel period of Kyoto University faculty and staff members and carry out the associated paperwork, collect and organize the necessary documents (receipts, used air ticket stubs, etc.) for claiming travel expenses, and collect and organize CVs and abstracts that have not been submitted. We accepted various tasks such as reminders to students, provision and notification of necessary information related to travel to faculty and staff, and emergency contact work such as flight delays and accidents.


Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 18:23Comments(0)シンポジウム事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣


NTU-KU Symposium 2013

2013年12月19日~20日に National Taiwan University & Kyoto University Symposium 2013 がSong-Pei Lecture Hall (松柏講堂), Department of Chemistry, NTU にて開催されました。弊社では、シンポジウムの各種案内業務、旅費申請に必要な経理関係書類収集、旅程変更の問合せ対応、フライト遅延・事故など緊急案件の連絡業務 及び シンポジウム参加者への同窓会出席確認及びCV収集・データ編集調整作業 などを担当させていただきました。

National Taiwan University & Kyoto University Symposium 2013 was held from December 19th to 20th, 2013 at Song-Pei Lecture Hall, Department of Chemistry, NTU. At our company, we provide various guidance services for the symposium, collect accounting-related documents necessary for applying for travel expenses, respond to inquiries about itinerary changes, communicate with emergency cases such as flight delays and accidents, and confirm the attendance of symposium participants at alumni meetings, collect CVs, and edit data. I was in charge of coordination work.  

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 15:20Comments(0)シンポジウム事務請負、翻訳・通訳、人材派遣


シンポジウム 金融システムの安定性と金融業の競争

2013年10月30日(水)に、京都大学百周年時計台記念館国際交流ホールにて金融庁金融研究センター・京都大学経済研究所先端政策分析研究センター・大阪大学社会経済研究所共催による「シンポジウム 金融システムの安定性と金融業の競争」が開催されました。

On October 30, 2013 (Wednesday), at Kyoto University's 100th Anniversary Clock Tower International Exchange Hall, the " A symposium "Financial System Stability and Competition in the Financial Industry" was held.
At our company, we provide poster/flyer printing, participation registration form creation, leaflet delivery work agency, registration reception/management, inquiry response, progress script/title background creation, handout printing/setting/delivery on the day, front hanging, writing utensils for panel discussion, We were in charge of various video equipment, cables, PC preparation, video recording, reception / venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, travel expenses for invited speakers, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc. .





A symposium entitled "Thinking about Natural Capital Management - From an Age of Consuming Nature to an Age of Management" was held on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at Kyoto University's Shiran Kaikan Main Building.
CS Center arranges air tickets for invited speakers, domestic transportation, accommodation, billboards, panel aprons, other display plates, simultaneous interpretation arrangements, interpreting equipment and technicians, video-related equipment, technical staff, reception staff, minerals for speakers I was in charge of various tasks such as water supply, hanging name tags, printing of questionnaire forms, preparation of other office supplies and equipment, arrangement of social gatherings (Higashiyama SODO), transcription and summaries.



2012年11月9日-12日にThe 13th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA) が京都大学にて開催されました。CSセンターではホームページ作成、参加登録・決済フォーム作成、査証案内、登録者管理、問合せ受付、抄録投稿・査読システム、リーフレットデザイン・印刷、立て看板、吊り看板、スタンドフラワー手配等を承りました。

The 13th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA) was held from November 9th to 12th, 2012 at Kyoto University. We provided website creation, participation registration/payment form creation, visa guidance, registrant management, inquiry reception, abstract submission/peer review system, leaflet design/printing, standing signboards, hanging signboards, flower arrangement, etc.



Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2012

2012年8月29日~31日に京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館にてアジア国際会議:Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2012 (AWPP2012)が開催されました。

Asian Workshop on Polymer Processing 2012 (AWPP2012) was held from August 29th to 31st, 2012 at Kyoto Institute of Technology 60th Anniversary Hall.
CS Center is responsible for inviting invited speakers from overseas (arranging air tickets and transportation), bus transportation between hotels and the Institute of Technology, arranging hotels for participants, creating online participation registration and payment forms, managing registrants, and posters. ・ We were in charge of designing and printing leaflets, creating and setting up signboards and hanging signs, setting up poster session panels, creating souvenirs (fans), excursion tours, restaurant arrangements, etc.


Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 15:15Comments(0)Webサイトシンポジウム招聘WEBソリューション国際会議


朝日新聞 情報掲載:再生可能エネルギーが開く未来

 2012年5月12日(土)に京大時計台百周年記念ホールで開催される、京都大学経済研究所CAPS国際シンポジウム「再生可能エネルギーが開く未来」-欧州の経験と日本の挑戦-の情報が、本日5月3日の朝日新聞朝刊 にて紹介されました。



CAPS国際シンポジウム事務局 ㈱CSセンター内

Information on the Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research CAPS International Symposium "Future Open to Renewable Energy -Europe's Experiences and Japan's Challenges-" to be held on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Kyoto University Clock Tower 100th Anniversary Hall was introduced today in the morning edition of the Asahi Shimbun on May 3rd.
We are currently accepting applications for participation, so we look forward to seeing those who are interested.

To apply, please complete the participation registration form from the URL below.


CAPS International Symposium Secretariat CS Center Co., Ltd.
e-mail: caps@cscenter.co.jp  

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 15:01Comments(0)シンポジウム


日本経済新聞 情報掲載:再生可能エネルギーが開く未来

 2012年5月12日(土)に京大時計台百周年記念ホールで開催される、京都大学経済研究所CAPS国際シンポジウム「再生可能エネルギーが開く未来」-欧州の経験と日本の挑戦-の情報が、4月19日の日本経済新聞夕刊9頁 右下 ”がいどガイド” にて紹介されました。



CAPS国際シンポジウム事務局 ㈱CSセンター内

Information on the Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research CAPS International Symposium "Future Open to Renewable Energy -Europe's Experiences and Japan's Challenges-" to be held on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Kyoto University Clock Tower 100th Anniversary Hall was introduced on page 9 of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun evening edition on April 19, ``Gaiido Guide'' on the bottom right.
We are currently accepting applications for participation, so we look forward to seeing those who are interested.

To apply, please complete the participation registration form from the URL below.


CAPS International Symposium Secretariat CS Center Co., Ltd.
e-mail: caps@cscenter.co.jp  

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 13:13Comments(0)シンポジウム


京都新聞 情報掲載 : 再生可能エネルギーが開く未来




CAPS国際シンポジウム事務局 ㈱CSセンター内

Information on the Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research CAPS International Symposium "Future Open to Renewable Energy" -Experiences of Europe and Challenges of Japan- to be held on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Kyoto University's Clock Tower 100th Anniversary Hall was introduced on page 14 of the morning edition on Friday, April 13.
We are currently accepting applications for participation, so we look forward to seeing those who are interested.

To apply, please complete the participation registration form from the URL below.


CAPS International Symposium Secretariat CS Center Co., Ltd.
e-mail: caps@cscenter.co.jp  

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 23:28Comments(0)シンポジウム


京都大学CAPS 国際シンポジウム


2012 年5月12 日(土)13:30-16:30 (13:00受付開始)
場所:京都大学百周年時計台記念館 百周年記念ホール
主催:京都大学経済研究所 先端政策分析研究センター(CAPS)、財団法人 総合経済研究所
参加費無料 同時通訳付

お申込みURL  http://www.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/caps/



13:30 開会挨拶  
溝端 佐登史 京都大学 経済研究所 所長 

13:35 Ⅰ 基調講演  
佐和 隆光 滋賀大学学長

14:05 Ⅱ 欧州の経験
ラルフ・クリストマン ドイツ連邦環境・自然保護・原子力安全省

ポウル・エリック・モートホースト デンマーク工科大学教授

15:15 Ⅲ 日本の挑戦
市村 拓斗 経済産業省資源エネルギー庁省エネルギー・新エネルギー部新エネルギー対策課課長補佐



大森 恵子 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 教授

佐藤 正弘 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 准教授

16:05 質疑応答
16:30 閉 会

京都大学CAPS 国際シンポジウム事務局 (株)CS センター内 TEL:075-241-9620 FAX:075-241-9692
e-mail:caps@cscenter.co.jp http://www.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/caps/



総合地球環境学研究所 国際シンポジウム


On March 1, 2012, an urgent international symposium on "Increasing Flood Risk in Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Food and Health" was held at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. CS Center is responsible for inviting invited speakers from overseas (arrangement of air tickets and transportation), poster/flyer design/printing, poster/flyer enclosing and sending work, program book design/editing/printing, paper book design/editing/printing, I was in charge of creating and setting up the hanging signboards and theme pages.






日 時: 2012年3月1日(木)13:30-17:30
場 所: 総合地球環境学研究所 講演室 (アクセス)
備 考: チラシ(PDF)

【趣 旨】

13:30 開会挨拶 / Welcome: Dr. Yo-Ichiro Sato (Deputy Director-General, RIHN)

I. 基調講演 / Keynote Addresses
1.1. “Increasing Flood Risk and Available Managerial Options in Southeast Asia”

Dr. Kuniyoshi Takeuchi (Director, International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), Tsukuba, Japan)

1.2. “Impacts of Increasing Flood Risk on Food & Health Security in Southeast Asia”

Dr. Ryohei Kada (Professor and Project Leader, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan)

14:30 II. 東南アジア各国からの報告 / Presentations from Southeast Asian Countries
“Increasing Flood Risk in Thailand: Causes and Solutions”

Dr. Weeraphart Khunrattanasiri (Asst. Professor, Department of Forest Management, Kasetsart University, Thailand)

“Floods and Environmental Degradation: Their Effects on Food Security in the Philippines”

Dr. Robert Rañola, Jr. (Professor, Department of Resource Economics and Management, University of the Philippines, Los Baños)

“The epidemiology of disasters in the Philippines: Focus on typhoons, flooding and health”

Dr. Noel R. Juban (Chair and Professor, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of the Philippines, Manila)

“Increasing Flood and Risks of Environmental Degradation in Danang City, Vietnam”

Dr. Tran Van Quang (Dean and Professor, Faculty of Environment, Danang University of Technology, Vietnam)

“Increasing Environmental Risks and Food Security in Indonesia”

Dr. Bustanul Arifin (Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Lampung (UNILA), Indonesia)

“Sustainable Agricultural Development in Malaysia with Special Reference to Food Security and Natural Disasters”

Dr. Gamini Herath (Professor, School of Business, Monash University, Sunway Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

コメント / Comments

Dr. Kaoru Takara (DPRI, Kyoto University); Dr. Toshichika Iizumi (NIAES); Dr. Katsuya Tanaka (Shiga Unniversity)

16:45 III. パネルディスカッション / Panel Discussion
Coordinator: Dr. Bam H.N. Razafindrabe (RIHN)
17:30 閉会 / Closing Remark: Dr. Ryohei Kada

〒603-8047 京都市北区上賀茂本山457番地4





On Saturday, January 28, 2012, the Kyoto University Institute of Economic Research CAPS International Symposium "International Trends in the Tax System" was held in the large hall on the 1st floor of the Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall.
At CS Center, we provide poster/flyer design/printing, website/participation registration form creation, poster/flyer shipping service, registration reception/management, inquiry response, design printing according to the ceremony, printing/setting/delivery of handouts on the day, front flaps, etc. We were in charge of writing materials for panel discussions, various video equipment/cables/PC preparations, video recording, reception/venue staff, video technology staff, name tags, venue signs, tape transcription, lunch box arrangements, etc.





On January 21, 2012, the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University jointly held a public symposium titled "Understanding the Individuality of Living Things: Form, Relationship, and Mind" at Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo.
At CS Center, we were in charge of poster/flyer design, printing, and poster/flyer shipping agency.


【会場】東京大学(本郷)理学部1号館2階 小柴ホール

8 minutes walk from Hongo Sanchome Station (Marunouchi Line/Oedo Subway Line), 8 minutes walk from Yushima or Nezu Station (Chiyoda Subway Line), 1 minute walk from Higashidaimae Station (Namboku Subway Station), 1 minute walk from Kasuga Station (Mita Subway Line) 10 minutes

武田 洋幸 (東大)動物のかたちづくり
藤吉 好則 (京大)ヒトの分子構造を観る
後藤 由希子(東大)脳を創る細胞の振る舞い
谷口 維昭 (東大)免疫と発がんの仕組み
西村 いくこ(京大)植物の生存戦略
松沢 哲郎 (京大)想像するちから

東京大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 グローバルCOE公開講演会事務局

Hiroyuki Takeda (University of Tokyo) Creating animal shapes
Yoshinori Fujiyoshi (Kyoto University) Observing the molecular structure of humans
Yukiko Goto (The University of Tokyo) Behavior of cells that create the brain
Koreaki Taniguchi (University of Tokyo) Mechanism of immunity and carcinogenesis
Ikuko Nishimura (Kyoto University) Survival strategies for plants
Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Kyoto University) The Power of Imagination

Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo Global COE Public Lecture Secretariat
e-mail: GCOEsymposium@biol.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

You can get the venue map, access map, and inquiry email address from the QR code below.


The University of Tokyo Global COE "Integrated Biology Based on Biosignals"
Kyoto University Global COE ``Formation of bases for research on biodiversity and evolution: from genomes to ecosystems''




京都大学CAPS国際シンポジウム 税制の国際的潮流は下記サイトでも掲載されております。



Kyoto University CAPS International Symposium International trends in the tax system are also posted on the following site.

Kyoto Shimbun event information

Kyoto event information

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 17:05Comments(0)シンポジウム


日本経済新聞 情報掲載 : 税制の国際的潮流 



2012 年1 月28 日(土)13:30-17:00

場所:京都大学百周年時計台記念館 百周年記念ホール

主催:京都大学経済研究所 先端政策分析研究センター(CAPS)、財団法人 総合経済研究所
参加費無料 同時通訳付

13:30- 開会挨拶
矢野誠 京都大学経済研究所所長 教授

13:35- Ⅰ.日本の財政・税制の現状報告
「日本の財政の現状」 中澤正彦 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 准教授
「日本の税制の現状」 鈴木将覚 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 准教授

13:55- Ⅱ.税制の国際的潮流に関する報告
「付加価値税の国際的潮流」 Michael Keen(マイケル・キーン) IMF(国際通貨基金) 財政局シニア・アドバイザー
「二元的所得税の現在~ノルウェーの経験から」 Thor O. Thoresen(ソーア・ソレッセン) ノルウェー統計局 シニア・リサーチフェロー
「グローバル経済下の法人税」 佐藤主光 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科・政策大学院 教授

15:40- Ⅲ.パネルディスカッション・質疑応答
問題提起:「日本の税制改革の課題」 林宏昭 関西大学経済学部長・経済学研究科長 教授
パネリスト:Michael Keen、Thor O. Thoresen、佐藤主光、林宏昭 (以上、敬称略)
モデレーター:植田和弘 京都大学大学院経済学研究科 教授

16:55- 閉会挨拶 溝端佐登史 京都大学経済研究所副所長 教授
17:00- 閉会

京都大学CAPS 国際シンポジウム事務局
(株)CS センター内 TEL:075-241-9620 FAX:075-241-9692

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 18:08Comments(0)シンポジウム


京都新聞 広告掲載


An advertisement for the Kyoto University CAPS International Symposium "International Trends in Tax System" was published in Kyoto Shimbun (December 25, 2011).


CS Center is currently accepting applications for participation. This is a topic that is currently being discussed, so if you are interested, please apply from the following website.



Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 23:28Comments(0)シンポジウム


京都大学CAPS 国際シンポジウム「税制の国際的潮流」

Based on international trends in taxation
Considering Japan's Tax System Reform

2012 年1 月28 日(土)13:30-17:00

場所:京都大学百周年時計台記念館 百周年記念ホール

主催:京都大学経済研究所 先端政策分析研究センター(CAPS)、財団法人 総合経済研究所
参加費無料 同時通訳付

13:30- 開会挨拶
矢野誠 京都大学経済研究所所長 教授

13:35- Ⅰ.日本の財政・税制の現状報告
「日本の財政の現状」 中澤正彦 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 准教授
「日本の税制の現状」 鈴木将覚 京都大学経済研究所CAPS 准教授

13:55- Ⅱ.税制の国際的潮流に関する報告
「付加価値税の国際的潮流」 Michael Keen(マイケル・キーン) IMF(国際通貨基金) 財政局シニア・アドバイザー
「二元的所得税の現在~ノルウェーの経験から」 Thor O. Thoresen(ソーア・ソレッセン) ノルウェー統計局 シニア・リサーチフェロー
「グローバル経済下の法人税」 佐藤主光 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科・政策大学院 教授

15:40- Ⅲ.パネルディスカッション・質疑応答
問題提起:「日本の税制改革の課題」 林宏昭 関西大学経済学部長・経済学研究科長 教授
パネリスト:Michael Keen、Thor O. Thoresen、佐藤主光、林宏昭 (以上、敬称略)
モデレーター:植田和弘 京都大学大学院経済学研究科 教授

16:55- 閉会挨拶 溝端佐登史 京都大学経済研究所副所長 教授
17:00- 閉会

京都大学CAPS 国際シンポジウム事務局
(株)CS センター内 TEL:075-241-9620 FAX:075-241-9692

Organizer: Center for Advanced Policy Analysis (CAPS), Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Research Institute for Economic Research
Admission free Simultaneous interpretation included

13:30- Opening remarks
Makoto Yano Professor, Director of the Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

13:35-I. Report on the current state of Japan's fiscal and tax systems
"Current State of Japanese Public Finance" Masahiko Nakazawa, Associate Professor, CAPS, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
“The Current State of the Japanese Tax System” Shokaku Suzuki, Associate Professor, CAPS, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

13:55-II. Report on International Trends in Tax System
"International Trends in Value Added Tax" Michael Keen Senior Advisor, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund
“Dual Income Tax Today: The Norwegian Experience” Thor O. Thoresen Senior Research Fellow, Statistics Norway
“Corporate Tax in a Global Economy” Shuko Sato, Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Graduate School of Policy Studies, Hitotsubashi University

15:40- III. Panel discussion/Q&A
Problem Proposal: “Challenges of Tax Reform in Japan” Hiroaki Hayashi Professor, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Graduate School of Economics, Kansai University
Panelists: Michael Keen, Thor O. Thoresen, Shukitsu Sato, Hiroaki Hayashi
Moderator: Kazuhiro Ueda, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

16:55- Closing Remarks Satoshi Mizobata Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
17:00- Closing

Kyoto University CAPS International Symposium Secretariat
CS Center Co., Ltd. TEL: 075-241-9620 FAX: 075-241-9692


ICAD 2011

2011年10月21日(金)~22日(土) に慶應義塾大学グローバルセキュリティ研究所(G-SEC)にてInternational Conference on Affective Disorders- Bridging between clinical research and practice -が開催されました。

The International Conference on Affective Disorders - Bridging between clinical research and practice - was held from Friday, October 21 to Saturday, October 22, 2011 at Keio University Global Security Research Institute (G-SEC).
We were in charge of poster design/printing (A2/A3/A4), abstract book cover design and manuscript creation/editing/printing, web design/construction for academic conferences, server rental and domain acquisition, logo creation, poster delivery work, signboards poster design/printing, operation manual creation, title background creation, presentation paper creation, PC/printer rental, switcher/cable/transceiver arrangement, name tag creation, various office supplies/equipment preparation, conference bag creation, certificate folder, English We received requests for designing and printing letters of appreciation, technical staff, directors, reception staff, lunch boxes, tea breaks, and souvenir arrangements.




2011年9月11(日)に、科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター研究開発成果実装支援プログラム「サハリン沖石油・天然ガス生産に備える市民協働による油汚染防除体制の構築」研究チーム(代表:立正大学後藤真太郎先生)主催による緊急シンポジウム! 「今だからこそみんなで考えよう日本の危機管理」が立正大学大崎キャンパス(東京都品川区大崎)で開催されました。

On September 11, 2011 (Sunday), the research team (leader : Dr. Shintaro Goto, Rissho University) Urgent symposium hosted by! "Let's all think about Japan's crisis management now" was held at Rissho University Osaki Campus (Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo).
At CS Center, we arranged flight tickets for the invited speakers (three from the United States), liaison and coordination, and arranged simultaneous interpretation.



Series Ⅻ "Thinking about Reconstruction and Revitalizing Local Communities"

【趣 旨】

【日 時】
2011年 9月22日(木)13:30–17:00

【会 場】
京都大学百周年時計台記念館 百周年記念ホール

【定 員】


【主 催】

【共 催】

◆ ウェブでの申込み
・参加申し込みフォーム からお申込ください。

◆ ファクスでの申込み
・こちらの申込用紙を印刷してお使いください。 ファクス送信用申込用紙
(1)氏名(ふりがな)、(2)所属、(3)職名(研究者のみ)、(4)連絡先のFAX番号および電話番号 、

◆ 往復はがきでの申込み

〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町
京都大学経済研究所 総務掛


京都大学経済研究所 総務掛
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町
TEL: 075-753-7102・7103 FAX: 075-753-7193
Mail: soumu kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp

開会挨拶(13:30–13:40) 矢野誠 京都大学経済研究所所長
第Ⅰ部 エネルギー問題

講演1 (13:40–14:20) 「彦根城外堀のブラック・スワン――東日本大震災と原発事故を考える――」
佐和隆光 滋賀大学学長
講演2(14:20–15:00) 「日本の効率的エネルギーシステムの輸出」
岩田規久男 学習院大学経済学部教授
第Ⅱ部 震災復興を考える

問題提起(15:10–15:40) 「"免災"構造の国に向けて」
藻谷浩介 株式会社日本政策投資銀行参事役
(15:40–17:00) パネリスト 
中澤正彦 京都大学経済研究所 先端政策分析研究センター准教授
間宮陽介 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科教授
岩田規久男 学習院大学経済学部教授
藻谷浩介 株式会社日本政策投資銀行参事役
植田和弘 京都大学大学院経済学研究科教授


Earthquake reconstruction cannot proceed without an economic perspective.
In Part I of this symposium, we invite eminent economists to discuss current problems and the path forward for future energy policy.
In Part II, we will discuss the achievements and challenges of post-earthquake reconstruction from various standpoints, as well as a question-and-answer session with the audience.

[Date and time]
Thursday, September 22, 2011 13:30–17:00

Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower Centennial Hall

500 (first-come-first-served basis)

【Entry fee】

Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
(Advanced Policy Analysis Research Promotion Project)
(International Collaborative Research Base Project for Advanced Economic Theory)
(Project funded by the Research Institute for Economic Research)
(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Specially Promoted Research" 23000001)

Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University

[How to apply]
◆ Online application
・Please apply from the participation application form.

◆ Application by fax
・Please print and use this application form. Application form for fax transmission
・If you cannot print it, please write "Kyoto University Symposium Participation Application" at the beginning.
(1) name (furigana), (2) affiliation, (3) job title (researchers only), (4) contact fax number and telephone number,
If you would like to receive a reception notification by e-mail, please provide your e-mail address (5) Age,
Please fill out and send it to the secretariat fax number (075-753-7193).
After we receive your application, we will send you a confirmation fax.

◆ Application by return postcard
(1) Name (furigana), (2) Address, (3) Affiliation, (4) Job title (researchers only), (5) Contact phone number, (6) Age Please send to

〒606-8501 Yoshida Honcho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City
General Affairs Section, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

[Application deadline]
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

General Affairs Section, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
〒606-8501 Yoshida Honcho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City
TEL: 075-753-7102・7103 FAX: 075-753-7193
Mail: soumu kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp
* Please contact us by phone from Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:00.

Opening remarks (13:30–13:40) Makoto Yano, Director of the Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
Part I Energy Issues

Lecture 1 (13:40–14:20) “Black Swan in Hikone Castle Outer Moat: Thinking about the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Nuclear Accident”
Takamitsu Sawa, President of Shiga University
Lecture 2 (14:20–15:00) “Exporting Japan’s Efficient Energy Systems”
Kikuo Iwata, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University
Part II Thinking about Earthquake Reconstruction

Problem presentation (15:10–15:40) “Towards a country with a “disaster-proof” structure”
Kosuke Motani Counselor, Development Bank of Japan Inc.
panel discussion
(15:40–17:00) Panelists
Masahiko Nakazawa, Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Policy Analysis, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
Yosuke Mamiya, Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Kikuo Iwata, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University
Kosuke Motani Counselor, Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Kazuhiro Ueda, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
Closing remarks

*The program is subject to change.  

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 15:25Comments(0)シンポジウム



2011年9月11(日)、科学技術振興機構社会技術研究開発センター研究開発成果実装支援プログラム「サハリン沖石油・天然ガス生産に備える市民協働による油汚染防除体制の構築」研究チーム(代表:立正大学後藤真太郎)主催による緊急シンポジウム! 「今だからこそみんなで考えよう日本の危機管理」が立正大学大崎キャンパス(東京都品川区大崎)で開催されます。

日時:2011年9月11日 9:00-17:00
〒360-0194 埼玉県熊谷市万吉1700
立正大学・地球環境科学部・環境システム学科 後藤研究室
E-mail: gotoken@ris.ac.jp
9:00 開会 午前の部 司会 植松一良 NRDAアジア
講演1、萩原貴浩 海上災害防止センター(MPD)
12:00 休憩
13:00 午後の部
講演3、バーバラ・キャランハン 国際鳥類救護研究センター(IBRRC)
講演4、今木洋大 米国海洋大気庁
講演5、山崎誠 衆議院議員 
15:30 休憩
15:45 パネルディスカッション
座長 後藤真太郎 立正大学
17:00 閉会

September 11, 2011 (Sunday), Japan Science and Technology Agency, Research and Development Center for Social Science and Technology, Research and Development Results Implementation Support Program "Construction of Oil Pollution Prevention System through Citizen Cooperation in Preparation for Offshore Sakhalin Oil and Natural Gas Production" Research Team (Representative: An emergency symposium hosted by Rissho University Shintaro Goto! "Let's all think about Japan's crisis management now" will be held at Rissho University Osaki Campus (Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo).

Date: September 11, 2011 9:00-17:00
Place: Rissho University Osaki Campus (Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo)
Sponsored by: Research and Development Results Implementation Support Program, Research and Development Center for Society, Japan Science and Technology Agency
    Research Team "Building an Oil Pollution Prevention System through Citizen Cooperation in Preparation for Sakhalin Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Production"
(Representative: Shintaro Goto, Rissho University)
Co-organizers: NRDA Asia, Akishima Animal Hospital
Sponsors: U.S. Embassy, Rissho University Faculty of Global Environmental Sciences, Citizen Cabinet Disaster Relief Subcommittee to Create a New Public
1700 Mankichi, Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture 360-0194
Rissho University, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Department of Environmental Systems, Goto Laboratory
E-mail: gotoken@ris.ac.jp
Why is 911 the only emergency number in America?
-Actuality of “Emergency Command System” (ICS) that Japanese society needs-
9:00 Opening Morning Session Moderator Kazuyoshi Uematsu NRDA Asia
Guest greeting
Lecture 1, Takahiro Hagiwara Maritime Disaster Prevention Center (MPD)
The Frontline of Disaster Sites, Japan's Crisis Management and the Need for ICS -Incidents Occur in Meeting Rooms-
Lecture 2, Gordon Cleveland
National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management (USDA/APHIS) 
Origin and Present of ICS -From the Standpoint of the Federal Government and Radiation Disaster Response-
12:00 break
13:00 afternoon session
Lecture 3, Barbara Callanhan International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC)
Activity experience in the Gulf of Mexico oil field accident and the role of NGO coordinator
- NGO management and volunteer coordination under ICS -
Lecture 4, Hirohiro Imaki National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Geo-platform supporting ICS
Lecture 5, Makoto Yamazaki Member of the House of Representatives
Japanese Government and Crisis Management - Japanese Crisis Management Policy and ICS -
15:30 break
15:45 Panel discussion
Chair Shintaro Goto Rissho University
Roadmap to the Japanese version of ICS
17:00 Closing

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 13:52Comments(0)シンポジウム



 2011年10月12日(水)、東京ベイ有明ワシントンホテル アイリスの間において「第6回フルラス記念先端セラミックスシンポジウム」を開催いたします。これは、同年10月12日(水)から14日(金)まで東京ビックサイトにおいて開催される国際セラミックス総合展http://www.ceramic-expo.jp/に因み時期を併せて開催するものです。

On October 12, 2011 (Wednesday), the 6th Fulras Memorial Advanced Ceramics Symposium will be held at Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel Iris Room. This will be held at the same time as the International Ceramics Exhibition http://www.ceramic-expo.jp/ which will be held at Tokyo Big Sight from October 12th (Wednesday) to 14th (Friday) of the same year.
In recent years, global energy and environmental issues have come to be taken up as the most important issues.
Against this backdrop, the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 has created an urgent need to review nuclear power generation and comprehensive energy strategies, including alternative power generation. On the other hand, amidst the weakening of Japanese industry, related Japanese companies have disappeared from the world's top rankings in terms of production volume of solar cells, which are representative of renewable energy and Japan took the lead in commercialization.
I think it's time to gather Japan's strength and make a comeback with the enthusiasm of "Ganbarou Japan".
This is the 6th "Fulrath Commemorative Advanced Ceramics Symposium", and this time, we focused on how we can contribute to this problem as materials engineers and ceramics engineers. We hope that it will be an opportunity to think together about issues and future possibilities.
"Thank you very much for your help during this busy time, but I would appreciate it if you could join us."
Also, please feel free to recommend us to your friends, relatives, and interested parties.

The 6th Fulrath Memorial Advanced Ceramics Symposium

6th Fulrath International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics

テーマ:エネルギー・環境分野での新たな課題と可能性日時: 2011年10月12日(水) 9時会場~ 17時30分閉会
会場: 東京ベイ有明ワシントンホテル アイリスの間

主催: フルラス・岡崎記念会
共催: 公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会
協賛: (財)ファインセラミックスセンター, (社)日本ファインセラミックス協会, フジサンケイビジネスアイ

参加費: 5,000円(要旨集含む)
参加申し込みサイト http://www.tic-mi.com/6th_fulrath/index.php
講演プログラム http://www.tic-mi.com/6th_fulrath/program.htm

■テーマ エネルギー・環境分野での新たな課題と可能性

■プログラム (特別講演: 3件, 招待講演: 5件, 一般講演: 3件)
9:30-9:40 開会の辞
フルラス・岡崎記念 会長 一ノ瀬 昇

9:40-10:20 特別講演 レアメタル・レアアースを取り巻く最近の状況と対応
経済産業省 製造産業局 非鉄金属課課長補佐 川渕 英雄,

10:20-11:00 招待講演 電気自動車用二次電池技術の動向と今後の展開
オートモーティブエナジーサプライ(株)開発部エグゼクティブエキスパート 内海 和明

11:00-11:40 特別講演 量子ドット型太陽電池の現状
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 教授 岡田 至崇

11:40-12:20 招待講演 ナノ光触媒材料技術:可能性への挑戦
物質・材料研究機構 環境・エネルギー材料部門 環境再生材料ユニットユニット長 葉 金花

12:20-13:20 昼食

13:20-14:00 特別講演 放射性廃棄物の処理・処分
東京大学大学院工学系研究科原子力専攻 教授 長崎 晋也

14:00-14:40 招待講演 JFCCにおけるエネルギー・環境分野への取り組み
JFCC 材料技術研究所 所長代理 松原 秀彰

14:40-15:20 招待講演 高温領域における熱電素子とその応用について
(株)TES ニューエナジー 取締役 舟橋 良次

15:20-16:00 招待講演 圧電薄膜を用いたMEMS振動エナジーハーベスト
京都大学大学院工学研究科 マイクロエンジニアリング専攻 准教授 神野 伊策

16:00-16:10 休憩

16:10-16:40 一般講演 高信頼性軸受用Si3N4セラミックスの開発
横浜国立大学工学部物質工学科 准教授 多々見 純一

16:40-17:00 一般講演 熱膨張可変酸化物とその結晶構造
パナソニック(株) 先端技術研究所 主任研究員 表 篤志

17:00-17:20 一般講演 低損失複合ペロブスカイト誘電体の誘電損失
パナソニック エレクトロニックデバイス(株) 開発本部材料デバイス開発センター 基盤材料グループ 主任技師 古賀 英一

17:20-17:30 閉会の辞
フルラス・岡崎記念会 副会長 岡本 明


■シンポジウム実行委員: 今中佳彦 (株)富士通研究所 ,大橋直樹 (独)物質・材料研究機構

■お問い合わせ: フルラス・岡崎記念会 事務局
〒601-8011 京都市南区東九条南山王町36 (株)ティー・アイ・シィー編集部内
Tel.075-693-1533 Fax.075-693-1534 E-mail fulrath@tic-mi.com

E-mail: sympo@tic-mi.com
フルラス・岡崎記念会事務局 宛


Theme: New challenges and possibilities in the fields of energy and the environment Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:00 - 17:30 Closing
Venue: Iris Room, Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel

Organizer: Fulras Okazaki Memorial Society
Co-sponsored by: The Ceramic Society of Japan
Sponsors: Fine Ceramics Center, Japan Fine Ceramics Association, Fuji Sankei Business i

Participation fee: 5,000 yen (including abstracts)
Participation application site http://www.tic-mi.com/6th_fulrath/index.php
Lecture program http://www.tic-mi.com/6th_fulrath/program.htm

■ Theme New challenges and possibilities in the energy and environment fields

■ Program (special lectures: 3, invited lectures: 5, general lectures: 3)
9:30-9:40 Opening remarks
Noboru Ichinose, President, Fulrath Okazaki Memorial

9:40-10:20 Special Lecture Recent situation and countermeasures surrounding rare metals and rare earths
Hideo Kawabuchi, Deputy Director, Non-Ferrous Metals Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,

10:20-11:00 Invited Lecture Trends and future developments in secondary battery technology for electric vehicles
Automotive Energy Supply Co., Ltd. Development Department Executive Expert Kazuaki Utsumi

11:00-11:40 Special Lecture Current Status of Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Yoshitaka Okada, Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

11:40-12:20 Invited Lecture Nano photocatalyst material technology: Challenge to the possibility
National Institute for Materials Science Environment and Energy Materials Division Environmental Regeneration Materials Unit Unit Leader Kinka Yeh

12:20-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:00 Special lecture Treatment and disposal of radioactive waste
Shinya Nagasaki, Professor, Department of Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

14:00-14:40 Invited Lecture JFCC's approach to the energy and environment fields
Hideaki Matsubara Deputy Director JFCC Materials Research Laboratories

14:40-15:20 Invited Lecture Thermoelectric elements and their applications in high temperature range
TES New Energy Co., Ltd. Director Ryoji Funahashi

15:20-16:00 Invited talk MEMS vibration energy harvesting using piezoelectric thin film
Isaku Jinno, Associate Professor, Department of Micro Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

16:00-16:10 Break

16:10-16:40 General Lecture Development of Si3N4 ceramics for high-reliability bearings
Junichi Tatami, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University

16:40-17:00 General Lecture Thermal expansion variable oxide and its crystal structure
Atsushi Omote, Senior Researcher, Advanced Technology Research Laboratory, Panasonic Corporation

17:00-17:20 General Lecture Dielectric loss in low-loss composite perovskite dielectrics
Eiichi Koga Chief Engineer, Basic Materials Group, Material Device Development Center, Development Division, Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd.

17:20-17:30 Closing remarks
Akira Okamoto, Vice Chairman, Fulras Okazaki Memorial Society

*Speakers and topics are subject to change without notice.

■Symposium executive committee: Yoshihiko Imanaka Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. Naoki Ohashi National Institute for Materials Science

■ Contact: Fulras Okazaki Memorial Society Secretariat
36 Higashikujo Minamisanno-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8011 Inside the editorial department of T.I.C. Co., Ltd.
Tel.075-693-1533 Fax.075-693-1534 E-mail fulrath@tic-mi.com
If you are interested, please send us the following information by e-mail.

Application for participation
E-mail: sympo@tic-mi.com
Addressed to the Fulras Okazaki Memorial Society Secretariat

◎I am applying for registration for the 6th Fulrath Memorial Advanced Ceramics Symposium. Please write it down and send it by e-mail with the following contents.
◎ Affiliation
◎ Contact address
◎ Telephone

Posted by 株式会社CSセンター at 20:28Comments(0)シンポジウム


ICAD 2011 ホームページ及びロゴ作成

2011年10月21日(金)~22日(土) に慶應義塾大学グローバルセキュリティ研究所(G-SEC)で開催されますInternational Conference on Affective Disorders- Bridging between clinical research and practice -のホームページ及び主催研究部門のロゴを作成致しました。

International Conference on Affective Disorders - Bridging between clinical research and practice - to be held at Keio University Global Security Research Institute (G-SEC) from October 21 (Friday) to 22 (Saturday), 2011. We created a department logo.



SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference

7月26日(火)~30日(土)までの国際分子進化学会 SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference が京都大学百周年記念時計台、芝蘭会館、みやこめっせ にて始まりました。CSセンターでは、3会場前の立て看板(3×6)、各種誘導版、ポスター会場設営、企業展示小間設営、社名版、コピー機・カラープリンター・トランシーバーレンタル、うちわ作成等を承りました。

From July 26th (Tuesday) to 30th (Saturday), the SMBE 2011 Kyoto Conference of the International Society for Molecular Evolution began at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower, Shiran Kaikan, and Miyako Messe. At CS Center, we received orders for billboards (3 x 6) in front of the three venues, various guidance boards, poster venue construction, corporate exhibition booth construction, company name boards, copier/color printer/transceiver rental, fan creation, etc.




The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
(共催: 東京工業大学グローバルCOE「生命時空間ネットワーク進化型教育研究拠点」)

The 5th International Symposium of the Biodiversity and Evolution Global COE project
"Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Interactions -genome to ecosystem"
was held from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 10th, 2011 at Kyoto University Centennial Clock Tower International Exchange Hall.
(Co-sponsored by: Tokyo Institute of Technology Global COE "Evolutionary Education and Research Center for Life-Spatio-Temporal Networks")
We set up poster panels, set up a large screen (4000mm x 4000mm), arranged to invite invited speakers, and prepared abstracts.